I wanted to try this game.
But the installation is making me difficult.
The necessary library says it is the * sdl * but by another place I have seen that it says the * SDL *,
the question is which of the two?
I have tried both and it does not start me.
On the other hand, it says that you have to edit the * openttd.cfg * file, but I can't find it.
[D:\openttd-1.10.3-os2-20200903]dir open*
The volume label in drive D is DATS.
The Volume Serial Number is B4A7:75BD.
Directory of D:\openttd-1.10.3-os2-20200903
9/08/10 22:34 11.620 0 a--- openmsx.obm
31/03/10 15:28 13.128.144 124 a--- opensfx.cat
31/03/10 15:28 9.356 0 a--- opensfx.obs
3/09/20 6:32 5.184.499 488 a--- openttd.exe
3/09/20 5:33 1.793.771 0 a--- openttd.map
With *sdl*
SYS0191: SDL12 cannot be run in an OS/2 session.
With *SDL*