OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Multimedia

Removing commercials from recorded TV programs

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Dave Yeo:
What does ffprobe report about the AVI? Might want to open an issue for VLC at github or email KOMH.

Mike Snyder:
Sorry to take so long to answer your question.  The problem was operator error.  I've used SNAP as my video driver for years, but the updates of ArcaOS only seem to work correctly if you use Panorama, so after several update failures, I changed the video driver and got a successful update.  I had forgotten that there is a setting for the video driver in VLC that I had set to SNAP.  When set to Warpoverlay, VLC loads and plays the videos as it should.  That was not the only problem I had, but getting the new mjpeg tools and the newer ProjectX solved the rest of them.  Thanks to all who helped.


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