Okay, I've tried again, on ArcaOS 5.0.2.
For "Dosbox" win16-compatible apps, the entire screen becomes gray then comes a popup: "Application Execution Error: Unexpected DOS error: 23".
This is a common error which I thought was usually PATH related, but perhaps there are other reasons
There is ~10GB of disk space available.
ArcaOS runs in virtualbox.
I checked the PATH it was longer than 100, so I trimmed it, same issue.
Please note that I launch the executables from a 4OS/2 window.
Not the best way to launch them.
All the executables are in C:\Home .
I've transferred the executables over http from firefox, so I don't expect any data loss or conversion issues.
For comparison, this win16 app worked well:
And this one also worked well in full-screen mode:
Extra points:
* I tried the famous "speedcom.exe" ( https://archive.org/download/msdos_SPEED20_shareware , in the SPEED20.zip archive ), it doesn't display anything past the logo when ran in "window" mode, it runs fine when in full-screen.
I tested this, full screen as this video card doesn't support DOS windows very well. It ran for a bit before giving a divide by zero error, common for some old apps running on a fast computer. Something to do with loops IIRC.
* is 4OS/2 very much identical to 4NT?
Likely 4NT has had more development.
* on 4OS/2 how to switch from windowed to full-screen?
You can't switch a windowed OS/2 session to full screen. To launch a DOS program full screen, use start /f prog.exe. To switch DOS from windowed to full screen and back, CTRL-HOME.
Sometimes it is better to launch the program from a DOS session or WinOS2 session using FileManger. If nothing else, you might get a more informative error message.
* can 32-bit extended applications (i.e dos4gw) run on ArcaOS or OS/2?
Usually. At that OS/2 could run some games that Win95 couldn't.
There are a lot of DOS properties that can be adjusted. Many older games used to be in a database that would set things up, forget if it is still available (believe so) and how to use it. I remember games like SC2000 that would only run if you let the system set them up.
Open the properties on a DOS session by right clicking, selecting properties and then on page 2, click the DOS properties button. Then choose all "All DOS Settings" and see how much you can adjust. If a program needs lots of EMS memory for example, this is the place to set it. Dos4gw needs DPMI memory, which should have a reasonable default.
Similar with WinOS2, do want standard or enhanced mode? Default is standard.
Best is to create a program object for your program, then you can try adjusting various DOS settings and/or WinOS2 settings.
There are other things that can help like
https://hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/dos/vcompatv032b.zip and something that helped with the settings (properties) whose name escapes me. Hopefully someone else will chip in.
While I used to play a lot of DOS games, that was over 20 years back. Once ISA slots went away it became harder to do things like use a sound card or joystick.