Looking at the problems here it appears that 90% of them would have been solved if someone thought to make available a zip file that included ALL the odd and extraneous DLLs at the beginning. What we have is a mish mash of real DLLs and experimental ones that are not guaranteed to remain the same in the long term - not a good way to present a new browser for inspection by the public.
I might consider this new browser if it ever gets to prime time and is supplied as an all inclusive package - until then, anytime forefox on OS/2 fails I will use firefox on linux.
First all I think it was pretty obvious from the name and the readme this is preview version nothing of prime time browser.
As for a stand alone ZIP file neither BWW or VOICE has the time todo this. And while that package was released more DLL's where being updated.
Sorry releasing a ZIP is simply not an option with the extremely limited human resources VOICE and BWW have.
This release was intended show the community something after long delay what we have. The delay I explained already was because a lot of unforseen setbacks.
As for DLL"s remaining the same that is also the case with LIBC RPM updates they also get modified a few times a year the DLL's.
Long term LIBC DLL's that remain the same (if that is what you mean) will not happen. We keep getting more and more needed updates
if we want to port software to OS/2 and ArcaOS.