I think the problem is that we are such a small community. That is why it is asked that those that can afford to help do more. On a platform like Windows, this is irrelevant.
Right now, I can afford to donate more, and I do. I give contributions to all the developers at times. Right now, I think a new browser is so important that the big part of my donations go to it. This is a good community and there will be disagreements. Although we may have disagreements, lets all work together to make this a better platform. I cannot thank those developers enough that continue to donate their time for no compensation to help improve things. I thank those developers that do get compensated for their time also. Their efforts is greatly appreciated.
An idea. It is said that keeping the mind working keeps one sharp in old age. Find retired programmers and tell them that if they want to keep their minds sharp and want a challenge, try programming for ArcaOS.