You should open an issue for that as it shouldn't happen. Help 0006 reports Incorrect internal file identifier, but not sure if that maps to the Locked File processor.
Hi David,
it's not "help sys0006" but rather "help lsi0006" (the error text is in \OS2\INSTALL\LSI.MSG, the help text is in \OS2\INSTALL\LSIH.MSG):
[c:\]help lsi0006
LSI0006: There is not enough disk space available to process locked files.
Cause: The LAN Services locked-file device driver is unable to
continue because there is not enough hard-disk space on this
Action: Make hard-disk space available on this workstation by moving or
deleting files, and then start the workstation again.
Of course, for the given system, that error is plain nonsense. It's more likely that either the IBMLANLK.SYS driver cannot access all of the disk space at the point of time in the boot process.
Or, the files and directory listed in the IBMLANLK.LST file no longer exist or exist at a different directory or maybe file C:\OS2\INSTALL\IBMLANLK.LST no longer exists.
It will likely help to remove these statements from config.sys wherever they appear in config.sys (replace C: with the drive letter of the boot drive):
I occasionally had that same problem in the past. The contents of file IBMLANLK.LST (if it still exists) gives enough of a clue to know what to copy where and what directoriest to delete, so it can also be done by hand. Fortunately, nowadays, there are close to no products that still use the Locked Files device driver as with later kernel versions an API was introduced to unlock DLLs by a normal user application at any time (you no longer have to wait until next system reboot). WPI makes use of that API for every DLL it needs to overwrite, as does the YUM/RPM installation mechanism.
The one problem that remains is help files that are currently loaded by an application. You need to stop the application that loaded the help file before that help file can be deleted or overwritten.