OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Storage
DISKIO - updated version in need of TEST
Dave Yeo:
Hi, thanks for working on this. About optimization, i686 or Pentium II should be best for the vast majority of current CPU's.
Redirecting output seems to make the divide by zero crash worse here, which doesn't make it to the log. So I started up EPM, created a cmd shell and ran it in that.
Disk 1 is a fast 1TB drive on a SATA3 port, Disk 2 is the SSD on a SATA2 port, Disk 3 a regular HD on a SATA2 port, Disk 4 the ram disk, disk 5 is a USB stick, disk 6 is a 2TB external drive plugged into a USB2 port (like the stick). Note that the size of the 2TB is expressed as a negative. Really need to use 64bit variables I guess.
--- Code: ---epm: H:\tmp >diskio
DISKIO - Fixed Disk Benchmark, Version 1.18z
(C) 1994-1998 Kai Uwe Rommel
(C) 2004 madded2
Number of fixed disks: 12
Number of CD-ROM drives: 2
Dhrystone 2.1 C benchmark routines (C) 1988 Reinhold P. Weicker
Dhrystone benchmark for this CPU: 2778159 runs/sec
Hard disk 1: 255 sides, 60321 cylinders, 127 sectors per track = 953855 MB
Drive cache/bus transfer rate: -96336 k/sec
Data transfer rate on cylinder 0 : 178456 k/sec
Data transfer rate on cylinder 60319: 86168 k/sec
CPU usage by full speed disk transfers: 4%
Average latency time: 0.0 ms
Average data access time: 15.6 ms
Multithreaded disk I/O (4 threads): 45709 k/sec, 1% CPU usage
Hard disk 2: 255 sides, 29185 cylinders, 63 sectors per track = 228934 MB
Drive cache/bus transfer rate: 93543 k/sec
Data transfer rate on cylinder 0 : 123821 k/sec
Data transfer rate on cylinder 29183: 181134 k/sec
CPU usage by full speed disk transfers: 4%
Average latency time: 0.1 ms
Average data access time: Disk read error.
Multithreaded disk I/O (4 threads): 52275 k/sec, 2% CPU usage
Hard disk 3: 255 sides, 30394 cylinders, 63 sectors per track = 238417 MB
Drive cache/bus transfer rate: 145126 k/sec
Data transfer rate on cylinder 0 : 91842 k/sec
Data transfer rate on cylinder 30392: 49640 k/sec
CPU usage by full speed disk transfers: 4%
Average latency time: 0.1 ms
Average data access time: 17.9 ms
Multithreaded disk I/O (4 threads): 20850 k/sec, 3% CPU usage
Hard disk 4: 255 sides, 1138 cylinders, 63 sectors per track = 8926 MB
Drive cache/bus transfer rate: 40175 k/sec
Data transfer rate on cylinder 0 : 20746 k/sec
Data transfer rate on cylinder 1136: 20531 k/sec
CPU usage by full speed disk transfers: 9%
Average latency time: 0.0 ms
Average data access time: Disk read error.
Multithreaded disk I/O (4 threads): 20092 k/sec, 10% CPU usage
Hard disk 5: 255 sides, 985 cylinders, 63 sectors per track = 7726 MB
Drive cache/bus transfer rate: 18272 k/sec
Data transfer rate on cylinder 0 : 15544 k/sec
Data transfer rate on cylinder 983 : 16830 k/sec
CPU usage by full speed disk transfers: 1%
Average latency time: 1.9 ms
Average data access time: 1.8 ms
Multithreaded disk I/O (4 threads): 15958 k/sec, 1% CPU usage
Hard disk 6: 255 sides, 60085 cylinders, 255 sectors per track = -189423 MB
Drive cache/bus transfer rate: 21755 k/sec
Data transfer rate on cylinder 0 : 21658 k/sec
Data transfer rate on cylinder 60083: 21590 k/sec
CPU usage by full speed disk transfers: 1%
Average latency time: 1.8 ms
Average data access time: 20.3 ms
Multithreaded disk I/O (4 threads): 21787 k/sec, 2% CPU usage
Hard disk 7: 12 sides, 512 cylinders, 9 sectors per track = 27 MB
Drive cache/bus transfer rate: Disk read error.
Data transfer rate on cylinder 0 : Disk read error.
Data transfer rate on cylinder 510 : Disk read error.
CPU usage by full speed disk transfers: Disk read error.
Average latency time: Disk read error.
Average data access time: Disk read error.
Multithreaded disk I/O (4 threads):
The process has stopped. The software diagnostic
code (exception code) is 009B.
epm: H:\tmp >diskio-debug
DISKIO - Fixed Disk Benchmark, Version 1.18z
(C) 1994-1998 Kai Uwe Rommel
(C) 2004 madded2
Number of fixed disks: 12
Number of CD-ROM drives: 2
Dhrystone 2.1 C benchmark routines (C) 1988 Reinhold P. Weicker
Dhrystone benchmark for this CPU: 2299450 runs/sec
Hard disk 1: 255 sides, 60321 cylinders, 127 sectors per track = 953855 MB
Drive cache/bus transfer rate:
DEBUG => nData is: 3407777792
DEBUG => nTime is: 10246
-86588 k/sec
Data transfer rate on cylinder 0 :
DEBUG => nData is: 1761370112
DEBUG => nTime is: 10259
171690 k/sec
Data transfer rate on cylinder 60319:
DEBUG => nData is: 889398272
DEBUG => nTime is: 10268
86618 k/sec
CPU usage by full speed disk transfers: 4%
Average latency time:
DEBUG => nTime is: 10019.599360
DEBUG => nCnt is: 135755.196980
0.0 ms
Average data access time:
DEBUG => nTime is: 10045.599344
DEBUG => nCnt is: 644.196980
15.5 ms
Multithreaded disk I/O (4 threads): 45620 k/sec, 1% CPU usage
Hard disk 2: 255 sides, 29185 cylinders, 63 sectors per track = 228934 MB
Drive cache/bus transfer rate:
DEBUG => nData is: 946132992
DEBUG => nTime is: 10242
92377 k/sec
Data transfer rate on cylinder 0 :
DEBUG => nData is: 1221276672
DEBUG => nTime is: 10240
119265 k/sec
Data transfer rate on cylinder 29183:
DEBUG => nData is: 1857397248
DEBUG => nTime is: 10253
181156 k/sec
CPU usage by full speed disk transfers: 5%
Average latency time:
DEBUG => nTime is: 10027.599360
DEBUG => nCnt is: 61825.196980
0.1 ms
Average data access time: Disk read error.
Multithreaded disk I/O (4 threads):
The process has stopped. The software diagnostic
code (exception code) is 009B.
--- End code ---
Well, about the ramdisk.
All delays in it are produced by the i/o subsystem. The smarter i/o you use, the worse speed you get :)
Problem is that the fastest method is supported only by FAT and HPFS. JFS, HPFS386, FAT32 - all will fail with it (older FAT32 versions even cause a trap).
Try adding /1 to the HD4DISK command line and test the speed, especially when copying files to "nul" - this is the real value.
David McKenna:
Here are the results of diskio-debug -hd 2 > debug.txt:
DISKIO - Fixed Disk Benchmark, Version 1.18z
(C) 1994-1998 Kai Uwe Rommel
(C) 2004 madded2
Number of fixed disks: 5
Number of CD-ROM drives: 2
Dhrystone 2.1 C benchmark routines (C) 1988 Reinhold P. Weicker
Dhrystone benchmark for this CPU: 4117153 runs/sec
Hard disk 2: 255 sides, 60321 cylinders, 127 sectors per track = 953855 MB
Drive cache/bus transfer rate:
DEBUG => nData is: 3628144128
DEBUG => nTime is: 10250
-65055 k/sec
Data transfer rate on cylinder 0 :
DEBUG => nData is: 1905008128
DEBUG => nTime is: 10247
185908 k/sec
Data transfer rate on cylinder 60319:
DEBUG => nData is: 892714496
DEBUG => nTime is: 10256
87043 k/sec
CPU usage by full speed disk transfers: 3%
Average latency time:
DEBUG => nTime is: 10017.599360
DEBUG => nCnt is: 153431.196980
0.0 ms
Average data access time:
DEBUG => nTime is: 10008.599344
DEBUG => nCnt is: 655.196980
15.2 ms
Multithreaded disk I/O (4 threads): 45095 k/sec, 2% CPU usage
No error this time...
David Graser:
--- Quote from: Dariusz Piatkowski on December 20, 2020, 03:59:37 am ---Hi Martin,
--- Quote from: Martin Iturbide on December 20, 2020, 02:40:40 am ---...
- Can it be possible to release it as 1.19? so it can not get confused with 1.18z
- Is it possible to share the source code to update the github repository? - once you produce the final release.
--- End quote ---
Yes, absolutely. For now my focus is on getting as many samples of different hardware as possible. I suspect the really big drives (well, one should not think of a 1T that as being that big anymore...LOL, but David's example below still shows an issue there).
Once the little tweaks are behind us this is of course going out there. My changes are really tiny things, and quite honestly very simple changes from 'int' to 'long' or ULONG variables for the most part.
--- Quote from: Martin Iturbide on December 20, 2020, 02:40:40 am ---...
It seems to me that tthe program runs fine (diskio and debug)
But when I try to create an output file this way, I get this error?
--- Quote ---[C:\HOME\DOWNLOADS\DISKIO_FIX_1]diskio-debug >debug.txt
The process has stopped. The software diagnostic
code (exception code) is 009B.
--- End quote ---
--- End quote ---
Aha...so I wasn't getting this in my tests because I was individually testing just my SSD or HDD devices, but running it just like you did eventually produced the same result. What I found is the following in my POPUPLOG.OS2:
--- Code: ---12-19-2020 20:49:36 SYS3184 PID 0819 TID 0001 Slot 0125
EAX=00000000 EBX=00000000 ECX=000402ec EDX=00000000
ESI=00000090 EDI=00000090
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:00022182 CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:00092440 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=000924fc FLG=00210246
DISKIO.EXE 0002:00002182
--- End code ---
...and SYS3184 is a "Divide by Zero".
Looking at where my output from DISKIO stopped it looks like the un-mounted USB removable drive is what caused the problem here. I'm running the DEBUG version right now to see the raw data but I'm sure that pesky 0 (zero) will show up.
In the meantime: thank you for the test and feedback!
--- End quote ---
I have the same error message.
[E:\]diskio-debug > debug.tx
The process has stopped. The software diagnostic
code (exception code) is 009B.
My popup.log shows
12-20-2020 12:58:22 SYS3184 PID 005a TID 0001 Slot 00bc
EAX=00000000 EBX=00000000 ECX=000402ec EDX=00000000
ESI=00000090 EDI=00000090
DS=0053 DSACC=d0f3 DSLIM=5fffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=d0f3 ESLIM=5fffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:000221a2 CSACC=d0df CSLIM=5fffffff
SS:ESP=0053:00092440 SSACC=d0f3 SSLIM=5fffffff
EBP=000924fc FLG=00210246
DISKIO-DEBUG.EXE 0002:000021a2
I presently have no removable USB drive attached.
Dariusz Piatkowski:
Hi David,
--- Quote from: David Graser on December 20, 2020, 08:05:42 pm ---I have the same error message.
[E:\]diskio-debug > debug.tx
The process has stopped. The software diagnostic
code (exception code) is 009B.
I presently have no removable USB drive attached.
--- End quote ---
Hmm, interesting...so another device is causing this as well.
Can you provide the output of the run that was created before the error occured? So basically whatever are the contents of the debug.tx that was created?
The last storage device that's logged is most likely where the issue occured...some early output should still be visible, such as: disk ID, sizing, preliminary cache/bus xfer rates (if successful, etc.).
BTW and/or FYI:
The previous version of DISKIO shows the same behaviour here, so point being: this is an existing issue which I'm going to try to chase down.
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