Author Topic: Frontdoor  (Read 3599 times)

Rick Smith

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« on: January 29, 2021, 04:16:56 am »

I’m hoping to find someone familiar with frontdoor mailer.  I’ve not run it in 30 years well before we used anything besides dialup modems for our BBS. So where I’m at, I have sio running , vmodem loads and appears normal. Frontdoor loads and is able to initialize the modem with the “ok” message the init string I’m using is simply ATZ|. The problem is when I go to poll or deliver a test mail packet front door attempts to dial, the dial dialogue box pops up with the correct destination, vmodem shows no activity and frontdoor shows no error, just tries three times before quitting and resetting modem.  I know the two see each other I can connect to fd through the vmodem.  I’m guessing maybe wrong modem strings, I need something additional in fdnode.ctl? I’m kinda stuck, so if you have experience with frontdoor and or have a fdnode.ctl I can look at chime on in..

