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Paul Smedley:

--- Quote from: TeLLie on March 20, 2021, 06:53:25 pm ---Btw: python3 is much faster to use...

--- End quote ---

My python3 build presumably? I should update it - I think with some fixes to readline, that readline.pyd should work now...

Hi Paul,

Sorry i should mention this.
Yes its you're python3 build :)

Dave Yeo:

--- Quote from: Paul Smedley on March 20, 2021, 10:19:46 pm ---
--- Quote from: TeLLie on March 20, 2021, 06:53:25 pm ---Btw: python3 is much faster to use...

--- End quote ---

My python3 build presumably? I should update it - I think with some fixes to readline, that readline.pyd should work now...

--- End quote ---

Can you remind me of its URL?

Dariusz Piatkowski:
Hi Dave,

--- Quote from: Dave Yeo on March 20, 2021, 05:43:45 pm ---..It's the whole subdirectory that needs to be run, not an individual file. As I said, it is unpackaged and packaging should create a binary script holding the subdirectory and documentation...
--- End quote ---

Yup, I got it now...works great here!

So is this update something that's meant to be run from within clipgrab? Sorry, it may be obvious to those who have done it, I haven't run clipgrab in a while so before I go off installing it I figured I better ask first.


Paul Smedley:

--- Quote from: Dave Yeo on March 21, 2021, 12:16:23 am ---
--- Quote from: Paul Smedley on March 20, 2021, 10:19:46 pm ---
--- Quote from: TeLLie on March 20, 2021, 06:53:25 pm ---Btw: python3 is much faster to use...

--- End quote ---

My python3 build presumably? I should update it - I think with some fixes to readline, that readline.pyd should work now...

--- End quote ---

Can you remind me of its URL?

--- End quote ---

See thread at https://www.os2world.com/forum/index.php/topic,2484.30.html


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