First native OS/2 Otter Browser build ever, enjoy.
There are still some things to polish in Qt and Chromium to make it usable but it's a question of weeks now. One of the things to do is update our current Qt 5.13.1 to Qt 5.15, including Qt WebEngine which will also bring a relatively new Chromium version. Qt WebEngine 5.15 is a requirement in Otter since Nov 2020 (meaning so we are a bit behind until it's done). Updating Chromium is very important as 73.x is a bit outdated (Jan 2019). 83.x is the Chromium version in 5.15.2 and the upcoming 5.15.3 will have Chromium 87.x. This is needed for both performance and stability (Chromium is updated A LOT by Google). Also, there are some Qt issues to fix like system clipboard support which is surely needed for comfortable use.
Stay tuned.