You may know that on my free time I like to organize the OS2World wiki, and try to link as much as OS/2 related material (let say it helps me with my anxiety these days).
I want to try to list and link all the PC Magazine OS/2 related article:
- The general OS/2 subject articles
here (OS2World wiki) (software reviews, OS reviews, critic, etc)
- The development OS/2 related articles
here (EDM/2 wiki)
The good thing is that is seems that Google books got permission to republish some the PC Magazine issues and we can found them online:
Google Books.
I'm now requesting your help, if you find some OS/2 article on PC Magazine, let me know the name or issue or date, and I will include it to the wiki list.
BTW: I know PC Magazine was not our preferred Magazine at that time, but I just want to list the OS/2 articles.
Also, if you think we should do the same thing with other magazines (list its OS/2 related articles), let me know.