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Hobbes (Files) Reoganization

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Martin Iturbide:

About the reorganization of Hobbes, I think that that new site is well organized and have useful stuff for the community.

I'm on a phase where I got little by little checking things/files missing in Hobbes Archive and uploading the content. 

I'm still following these rules that we discussed on this forum:
1) Hobbes has Freeware/Shareware/Open Source/Demos/Public distribution/Public Domain/freely-distributable files.
2) Hobbes should have the latest version of every OS/2 software. Exception applies for unstable versions, drivers, libraries, development software, etc.
3) My Upload File Naming Convention that is 100% optional.

Please let me know:
1) Any improvements that you think may be useful for the site. I can discuss them with Nathan.
2) Any files that Hobbes is missing.
3) Help is always welcome to search old OS/2 files sources and find missing stuff in Hobbes. You are free to chat about that findings here.

There is also a mailing list only for Hobbes Archive subjects here:



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