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Hobbes (Files) Reoganization
Martin Iturbide:
Thanks Mentore !!
Martin Iturbide:
I had been uploading some old OS/2 software that was missing on Hobbes these days. Nothing extraordinary, but I think that some of those REXX scripts and little shareware software deserve to be back on hobbes organized in a proper way.
With the exception of the noise in the "/new" page, since it is the only way I have to upload files, I always put the latest update date of the software for people not to confuse it with something new.
If you have any suggestion of what is missing, let me know. Remember that on hobbes we are putting only Freeware/Shareware/Demos/Public/Open Source OS/2 related software.
Also, any let me know any other improvement suggestion that you may want to see on Hobbes to discuss it with the developer.
Martin Iturbide:
I'm happy I finished reviewing the OS/2 the files at:
I thought I was only going to find some old versions of the software that were already on Hobbes, but I found some old software missing there. I had uploaded it to Hobbes describing their last update date.
If you find any mistake or unusual thing on Hobbes Archive just let me know.
Dave Yeo:
Have you looked at some of the Walnut Creek Hobbes ISO's floating around? They have some interesting stuff on them, plus it is interesting looking at older versions of Hobbes.
Martin Iturbide:
I created a mailing list for Hobbes Archive.
My goal it is to communicate with Nathan and the public any issues of improvements for Hobbes Archive. But I'm still not sure if the group will work out. Let's see if it works.
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