OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Games

MAME 0.151 ROMs

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Martin, you mention ACPI as being almost the prime mover for eCS but I have to ask what good does it do on a desktop computer or a server? 

We are running 2, 4, and 6 core processor desktops and servers using the old os2apic.psd seeing all cores and not seeing any problems while a friend was having problems with his new 4 core desktop and the eCS acpi psd.  When we changed it to the OS/2 psd the problems went away.

Yes, I can see where it might help with a laptop, assuming the suspend/ resume works reliably but I don't see it as the game changing application so mant people make it out to be. 

Martin Iturbide:
Hi Ivan.

Well, my point is that I'm trying to make a case that IBM's OS/2 installers can be turned for public preservation on archive.org. (and in a legal way)

If anybody will like to discuss this point of view I will welcome it.


Dave Yeo:

--- Quote from: Martin Iturbide on December 31, 2013, 01:27:13 am ---Hi Ivan.

Well, my point is that I'm trying to make a case that IBM's OS/2 installers can be turned for public preservation on archive.org. (and in a legal way)

If anybody will like to discuss this point of view I will welcome it.


--- End quote ---

Considering that the bank machine at my bank seems to use OS/2 along with various other pieces of infrastructure and such also using it I doubt that it would be considered obsolete.  Same with the hardware,  floppy drives are still sold and hardware isn't that much different then what OS/2 is designed to use, as eCS shows it just needs updated drivers and it runs well.
Compare to the Mame roms which I understand mostly ran on specialized arcade systems that haven't been made in years and often the company itself is long gone.

Martin Iturbide:
Hi Dave

Good points, but it can be debatable.
- ATMs running OS/2 are legacy ATMs, the new ones with newer processor will not run it.
- Even that a diskette drive can be bought, I don't think that it will make it non-obsolete.

But I think that it will be good to ask someone at archive.org with more experience on this. I will see if I can find someone.

Any more discussion to be prepared is welcome.



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