kernel W4, 14.201_a, eCS 2.2 beta, running with 1 core unter Virtualbox:
directly traps with a Ring 0 trap on boot. The trap triggers in DOSCALL1.DLL, but the actual Ring 0 trap happens in PMDD.SYS:
Slot Pid Ppid Csid Ord Sta Pri pTSD pPTDA pTCB Disp SG Name
*0019# 0015 0014 0015 0001 run 0300 f9f9f000 fefb59e0 feef840c 0ee8 00 DHCPSTRT
eax=7cd00047 ebx=0000efc0 ecx=00000007 edx=00000020 esi=0004a338 edi=26cb0000
eip=0000c541 esp=0008ef98 ebp=0004a30c iopl=2 -- -- -- nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=ffef ss=0047 ds=0053 es=0053 fs=150b gs=0000 cr2=00000000 cr3=00200000
ffef:0000c541 66ea6477fc1f5b00 jmp 005b:1ffc7764
# ln ffef:c541
ffef:0000c53c DOSCALL1 UT32_TARGET + 5
# ln %1ffc7764
%1ffc7764 DOSCALL1 UT32_RETURN
The instruction directly before the "jmp" is an (indirect) call to DOSDEVIOCTL, in case that matters. But I would think it is a IOCTL call into PMDD.SYS.
# .maamc ffef:c541
*har par cpg va flg next prev link hash hob hal
0119 %feb98830 00000010 %1ffd0000 3d9 0118 011a 0000 0000 0132 0000 hco=00164
hob har hobnxt flgs own hmte sown,cnt lt st xf
0132 0119 0000 0838 012a 012a 0000 00 00 00 00 shared c:doscall1.dll
hco=00164 pco=ffe0970f hconext=00130 hptda=0531 f=1c pid=0016 c:dhcpcd.exe
hco=00130 pco=ffe0960b hconext=000e3 hptda=0469 f=1c pid=0015 c:dhcpstrt.exe
hco=000e3 pco=ffe0948a hconext=00107 hptda=0459 f=1c pid=0014
OS/2 Kernel Revision 14.201_W4
Exception in module: PMDD
TRAP 000d ERRCD=0000 ERACC=**** ERLIM=********
EAX=7cd00000 EBX=f9f902f2 ECX=00000020 EDX=0000005b
ESI=feef0000 EDI=26cb0010 EBP=00045bf8 FLG=00012292
CS:EIP=0d00:00000a8b CSACC=009b CSLIM=00000d10
SS:ESP=0030:00005b8c SSACC=1097 SSLIM=00004ebf
DS=0cf8 DSACC=0093 DSLIM=000000d0 CR0=8001003b
ES=0000 ESACC=**** ESLIM=******** CR2=1fec9b80
FS=0000 FSACC=**** FSLIM=********
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
I have a full trap dump, in case that helps.