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"0 - setcookie(): Argument #1 ($name) cannot be empty" when logging on
Alex Taylor:
For the past several days, I have been getting redirected to a page with this error whenever I log on to OS2World.
Logon itself succeeds. I can hit Back or select the Home page link and continue from there.
Dave Yeo:
Try deleting the cookies from OS2World? In SeaMonkey go to about:data. Firefox seems to have removed its cookie handling.
Andreas Schnellbacher:
--- Quote from: Dave Yeo on July 20, 2021, 07:18:21 am ---Try deleting the cookies from OS2World?
--- End quote ---
That didn't help.
Martin Iturbide:
I will try to change some settings on the site to see if this problems goes away.
Note 1: What I did didn't change anything. Trying different things.
Martin Iturbide:
Doing some testing I had disabled the JFusion plugin. Can you please confirm if the error is gone?
I had made a quick test and I no longer see it on my site.
How did I tested it:
- Delete cookies
- Go to
- Login in with your account
- Error shows
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