Hi Wim!
Have more to report, for the new Joystick
My previous post gave you the complete lsusb data for the T.Flight. Let me know if I can generate any additional reports for you.
I made the modifications you indicated to the two xevents files (xeventsF1a and xeventsF2a), and xeventsF1a did generate output, which I will relate below. (have not tested xeventsF2a yet).
I also was able to generate a code output listing for each control, which includes the following:
Buttons 1-10
Hat N, S, W, E
Slider on the base
Joystick Axis Movement N,S,W,E
I have attached a text file called T.Flight Control Assignments.txt to this post, which has the code lines separated out by control, both press and release.
I will say that it took a while to generate, as oinputF1a addressing of each control was sometimes sporatic - sometimes it took 2 or more presses of the buttons, especially, to generate the code. I've attached an oinputf1a.log file, which essentially follows the Control Assignment .txt file, if it is useful.
I have also generated two xevents.log files - because of the sporatic nature related to responding to key presses by xeventsF1b - one for buttons 1 to 8 and the other for button 9, the hat and joystick movement. For some reason Button 10 would not respond in xeventsF1a to any key presses, although it was pressed multiple times in the file - the "Huh" codes appeared when I attempted to move the hat control to the east - the rest of the hat movements generated the output noted in the log.
With your modifications I was able to run TMScope and generate output on the displays - Buttons 1 to 4 reported normally, Buttons 5 to 8 on the base reported as buttons 1-4. Buttons 9 and 10 generated no display output at all.
The T.Flight hat did not generate any output on the TMScope hat display. I was able to move the joystick in all directions, to the maximum of display travel. I should note this was using the same joystick hardware settings used for my original joystick.
Interestingly, I also encountered the "Loss of Focus" problem noted with the previous joystick, which was again solved by pressing any key on the keyboard. As well, I noted pressing the "Port Speed" button on the right hand side of TMScope that the subjective Port Speed was higher than the older Joystick but only a little.
I'll leave it there for the moment, as that was a lot of testing for the day, in between other matters. If you have any questions let me know and Best!