Hi Mark,
OK, I got some logs. From looking at oinput.cmd console output, it seems this Logitech F310 gamepad (in XInput mode) has 2 types of controllers: on-off (mostly buttons) and continuous (triggers and joysticks). The on-off buttons display a hexidecimal string (0-9, A-F) 144 digits long when I hit the button, then another one when I let go. The continuous controllers show the same in a stream until I either let go, or hold a position (looks like 4096 values from full off to full on).
So I started with buttons in this order: LB, RB, Back, Logitech, Start, A, B, X, Y: 'buttons.txt'. These are all on-off. The 'Mode' button does not produce any output so not included.
Then the 2 front triggers in this order: LT, RT - pulled them all the way on, then all the way off one at a time: 'triggers.txt'. These are continuous.
Next the thumbpad at top left in this manner: forward, backward, left, right: 'leftpad.txt'. This is a 4-way on-off button.
Now each joystick separately this way: press all the way forward - let go, then all the way backward-let go, then all the way left-let go, then all the way right- let go: 'rightstick.txt' and 'leftstick.txt'. These are continuous.
Finally, the joysticks are also on-off buttons when pressed down - did the left then right stick button: 'joybutton.txt'.
Hope this is useful. What would be the next step?