Author Topic: JFS cache sizing, and system "speed-up"  (Read 40342 times)

Dariusz Piatkowski

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Re: JFS cache sizing, and system "speed-up"
« Reply #30 on: November 25, 2021, 05:54:06 pm »
Alright guys...I've got DATA!!!

Well, data is good, but visuals make it a tad easier to understand.

OK, so take a look at about 4 days of runtime stats. This is the capture of cstats that I mentioned earlier, and what i'm focusing on is the relationship between the metrics.

The thing to note is the nightly spikes...these are my RSYNC runs, which copy my data to NAS and also do a full disk RSYNC of the OS/2 partition to a local disk backup partition.

So I thought it would be interesting to deep-dive some more into these because if anything, these are going to more directly point out the cache behaviour given that a RSYNC copy will require a full disk scan, and therefore one would expect the METADATA to be heavily hit in the JFS cache.

This is shown in the 2nd capture where I basically narrowed things down to just these nightly spikes. For that reason ignore the 'plunge' you see in-between these runs, that's just a placemarker that I used to indicate the manual cut-off between each day.

I have gathered 7 different logs so far since I started experimenting with the larger JFS cache settings, each spanning about 3-4 days. The earlier logs have different JFS cache sizes along with different parameters.

Having said that, I honestly will tell you the following (keep in mind, this is just based on a single 4 day 1G cache cycle):

1) FF is just flat out faster, pages render quicker which is telling me that FF's cache (set to 350M max) persists in the JFS cache for longer
2) the faster application load is present for all other apps that I regularly use: Thunderbird, PMMail, Lotus 1-2-3, OpenOffice, Lucide, PMView, VSE and few others

Now here is the kicker which I did not exect to see: my shared memory over these past 4 days never dropped below 55M. This is VERY different from my prior experience where routinely after 3-4 days of normal system use (that typically includes daily FF re-starts - which i do once I see FF get to about 1G mem consumption as shown in Theseus) I basically exhaust all available shared memory and even shutting down all apps will not bring things back (because of the well known segmentation problem).

Sooo....I obviously need to re-do this cycle multiple times and attempt to better understand the cstats information.

Dariusz Piatkowski

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Re: JFS cache sizing, and system "speed-up"
« Reply #31 on: November 25, 2021, 06:35:45 pm »
Here are the Theseus metrics from a Clean Boot (so basically a re-boot with my default application/utility mix: UPS stuff, Xit, XWP, etc...none of the other major apps):

1) System => Nonswappable Memory

Code: [Select]
Nonswappable Memory analysis:
Apps & DLLs      = 00024000 ->     144K -> 0.141M
Process overhead = 0025B000 ->    2412K -> 2.355M
DD allocated     = 45615000 -> 1136724K -> 1110.082M
DOS              = 0001E000 ->     120K -> 0.117M
VDisk            = 00000000 ->       0K -> 0.000M
File system      = 00030000 ->     192K -> 0.188M
Kernel code      = 000B3000 ->     716K -> 0.699M
Kernel data      = 01292000 ->   19016K -> 18.570M
Kernel heap      = 003B9000 ->    3812K -> 3.723M

Total            = 46FE0000 -> 1163136K -> 1135.875M

2) System => Free, Idle and Locked Memory

Code: [Select]
Free, Idle, and Locked Memory:
Free                RAM = 7A902000 bytes (2008072K) (1961.008M)
Idle                RAM = 0001A000 bytes (  104K) ( 0.102M).
        (Dirty idle RAM = 00015000 bytes (   84K) ( 0.082M)).
Long  Term Locked   RAM = 0005E000 bytes (  376K) ( 0.367M).
Short Term Locked   RAM = 00000000 bytes (    0K) ( 0.000M).
Short & Long Locked RAM = 00000000 bytes (    0K) ( 0.000M).

3) System => Kernel Information => System Object Summary

Code: [Select]
  Object Allocated Committed   Present   Swapped
 address    memory    memory    memory    memory  Description
          --------  --------  --------  --------
Totals:   619D9000  47B62000  47AD4000  00000000  (in bytes)
           1599332   1174920   1174352         0  (in Kbytes)
          1561.848  1147.383  1146.829     0.000  (in Mbytes)
Number of objects = 1024.

Analysis of 'Free' areas:
There are 398 free blocks which total 1E5E7000 (497564K or 485.902M)
The largest 10 free areas are:
 address      size
8FC10000  1D016000 (475224K or 464.086M)

4) System => General System => General System Information

Code: [Select]
General System Information:

OS/2 version        = 2.45, revision = 0.
Os2krnl build level = 14.203

SYSLEVEL.OS2 information
OS/2 Component ID   = 5639A6101
CSD GA level        = XR04503
CSD Previous level  = XR0C006

SYSLEVEL.FPK information
OS/2 Component ID   = 566933010
CSD Current level   = XR0C006
CSD Previous level  = XR0C006

Theseus4 Version    = 4.001.00
Machine information: Model = 252 (0xFC),
                     Submodel = 1 (0x01),
                     Revision = 0 (0x00),
                     ABIOS = 0 (0x00).
BIOS date = 10/31/12.
RAM available to OS/2 = C7F0B000 bytes (3199.043M).
It appears that all of it is being used as 'paging space' by OS/2.
  (This is the 'proper' usage of the memory.)

Following are the values from DosQuerySysInfo:
 1. QSV_MAX_PATH_LENGTH      = 260.
 3. QSV_MAX_PM_SESSIONS      = 16.
 4. QSV_MAX_VDM_SESSIONS     = 128.
 5. QSV_BOOT_DRIVE           = 7.
 7. QSV_MAX_WAIT             = 1.
 8. QSV_MIN_SLICE            = 32.
 9. QSV_MAX_SLICE            = 32.
10. QSV_PAGE_SIZE            = 4096.
11. QSV_VERSION_MAJOR        = 20.
12. QSV_VERSION_MINOR        = 45.
14. QSV_MS_COUNT             = 263519 (0:04:23).
15. QSV_TIME_LOW             = 1637843077.
16. QSV_TIME_HIGH            = 0.
17. QSV_TOTPHYSMEM           = -940527616 (3275820K -> 3199.043M).
18. QSV_TOTRESMEM            = 1198608384 (1170516K -> 1143.082M).
19. QSV_TOTAVAILMEM          = 2082484224 (2033676K -> 1986.012M).
20. QSV_MAXPRMEM             = 370147328 (361472K -> 353.000M).
21. QSV_MAXSHMEM             = 313262080 (305920K -> 298.750M).
22. QSV_TIMER_INTERVAL       = 310.
23. QSV_MAX_COMP_LENGTH      = 255.
26. QSV_NUMPROCESSORS        = 6.
27. QSV_MAXHPRMEM            = 1409286144 (1376256K -> 1344.000M).
28. QSV_MAXHSHMEM            = 1404301312 (1371388K -> 1339.246M).
29. QSV_MAXPROCESSES         = 128.
System Anchor Segment (SAS) selector = 0070.
Size of PTDA                 = 0768 bytes.
Size of TCB                  = 0304 bytes.
Size of Alias        record  = 0008 bytes.
Size of Arena        record  = 0016 bytes.
Size of Object       record  = 0010 bytes.
Size of Context      record  = 0005 bytes.
Size of Page Frame   record  = 000C bytes.
Size of Virtual Page record  = 000A bytes.
Size of SFT entry            = 00A2 bytes.
har of System Arena Sentinel = 0004.
har of Shared Arena Sentinel = 0006.
har above 512m Shr Arena Sen = 0005.
har of Page Frame table      = 001C.
har of Virtual Page table    = 001F.
System Page Directory        @ FE48A000.
System Page Tables start     @ FE200000.
DLL code Page Tables start   @ FE1F8000.
Start address shared global  @ 1E000000.
Alias Record Table           @ FCB16020.

Let me know if there is anything else you want me to catpure.

Dave Yeo

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Re: JFS cache sizing, and system "speed-up"
« Reply #32 on: November 25, 2021, 08:05:44 pm »
For the Mozilla cache, I use the ramdisk, fairly easy to setup with SM. For Firefox need to use about:config to create preference something like this (H: is my ramdisk) "browser.cache.disk.parent_directory;H:\mozilla\firefox"

Dariusz Piatkowski

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Re: JFS cache sizing, and system "speed-up"
« Reply #33 on: November 26, 2021, 03:08:30 pm »
Hi Dave!

For the Mozilla cache, I use the ramdisk, fairly easy to setup with SM. For Firefox need to use about:config to create preference something like this (H: is my ramdisk) "browser.cache.disk.parent_directory;H:\mozilla\firefox"

Hmm, from my perspective I'm not sure what the longer-term performance gain would be in terms of doing a FF ramdisk cache, after all I would want the cache to persist in order to speed up the load of the bigger sized web page elements the very next time they are requested. I suppose if you want to keep the profile clean (and smaller sized), and do not care to carry over the cache past any re-boot, that would do it.


...for the Thunderbird client that is absolutely what i'm going to take a look at. I see no point in keeping that cache persistent since emails will always change, and I would think that causes the normal disk cache to just fill up with stuff that rarely ever gets re-used, with the exception of very few standard emails: bills from the same companies, etc.

I do not have SM installed here so I'm not sure what you mean by "fairly easy to set up", but would that still hold true for TB? If so, can you point me in the right direction before I attempt to create that FF-like preference?

In the meantime I'm off to research the TB cache settings a bit...


Dave Yeo

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Re: JFS cache sizing, and system "speed-up"
« Reply #34 on: November 26, 2021, 04:54:18 pm »
My ramdisk does persist over warm reboots (last computer, it even persisted over a couple of seconds of no power) and every time the browser crashes, which is too often lately, the whole cache gets invalidated.
As for Thunderbird, I'd think the cache is mostly used when displaying web pages, which it is quite capable of doing. I even have an add-on, thunderbrowse, which exposes displaying web pages.
For SM, you can point the cache in the Preferences under Advanced-->Cache. I assume that for TB, you have to open the Options-->Advanced-->Config Editor and create the same preference as for Firefox.

Doug Bissett

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Re: JFS cache sizing, and system "speed-up"
« Reply #35 on: November 26, 2021, 05:58:22 pm »

I tried that, with the appropriate changes. I really don't notice any difference, but I do have Firefox set to clear everything at shut down anyway. My RAMDISK doesn't retain information over a reboot (my choice, and I never tried it), but that shouldn't change anything. I didn't spend much time with it, but now, how do I remove that entry properly?

I did up my cache to 256000, on my main machine. It created the cache, but then Firefox won't start, complaining that XUL is defective. I put it back to 132000 and it is working.

Then, I have been playing with LW, MIN and MAX buffers. That is possibly making some difference. I will know more on Monday morning, when I do my backups. There is an indication that the single processor machine doesn't like it much, so that will go back to what it was (the LW part anyway).

Dariusz Piatkowski

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Re: JFS cache sizing, and system "speed-up"
« Reply #36 on: November 26, 2021, 07:04:56 pm »
My ramdisk does persist over warm reboots (last computer, it even persisted over a couple of seconds of no power) and every time the browser crashes, which is too often lately, the whole cache gets invalidated. ya! My machine does not retain the ramdisk contents, I had originally tried to do what you are talking about becuase I rarely actually physically shut OFF the machine. Instead it's almost always a re-boot.

...As for Thunderbird, I'd think the cache is mostly used when displaying web pages, which it is quite capable of doing. I even have an add-on, thunderbrowse, which exposes displaying web pages.
For SM, you can point the cache in the Preferences under Advanced-->Cache. I assume that for TB, you have to open the Options-->Advanced-->Config Editor and create the same preference as for Firefox.

Well, it didn't take long for me to read up on the TB specifics. The FF parameter setting is exactly what TB works with. I initially shifted my TB cache to the ramdisk, but then noticed something, see further details below...

Now there is something that seems different, although maybe that's just because I previously did NOT pay attention to it: in TB each time I click on a different folder I now have the clock icon pop up for just a couple of seconds. I honestly do NOT remember seeing this before, and of course I have no idea if this is a result of moving the cache to the ramdisk.

So to test this out, I've actually gone back to a DISK based cache, will give it a few days worth of use and see if that's what causing it.

Each time the clock icon pops up I do see TCPIP TB is certainly fetching something. Haven't captured that and pumped it through Wireshark yet to see what it's actually doing, but I suspect it's going to the server to read something.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2021, 07:08:16 pm by Dariusz Piatkowski »

Dariusz Piatkowski

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Re: JFS cache sizing, and system "speed-up"
« Reply #37 on: November 26, 2021, 07:11:36 pm »
Hi Doug,

...I did up my cache to 256000, on my main machine. It created the cache, but then Firefox won't start, complaining that XUL is defective. I put it back to 132000 and it is working.

Then, I have been playing with LW, MIN and MAX buffers. That is possibly making some difference. I will know more on Monday morning, when I do my backups. There is an indication that the single processor machine doesn't like it much, so that will go back to what it was (the LW part anyway).

Is XUL marked to load high? Otherwise the only follow-up is to see if it's been LXLITE compressed? (not sure if DLLs get processed by LXLITE, I think they do...?)

Re: LW, MIN and MAX, same here. As I change these I continue to log to see they impact these are having.

Dave Yeo

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Re: JFS cache sizing, and system "speed-up"
« Reply #38 on: November 26, 2021, 08:09:46 pm »
Is XUL marked to load high? Otherwise the only follow-up is to see if it's been LXLITE compressed? (not sure if DLLs get processed by LXLITE, I think they do...?)

During make package, all the DLL's and the exe get lxlited. Raw xul.dll, 71,299,848 bytes.

Right click on the preference and choose reset would probably work. Otherwise with the browser closed, edit prefs.js and delete the line, after backing up prefs.js.

Doug Bissett

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Re: JFS cache sizing, and system "speed-up"
« Reply #39 on: November 26, 2021, 11:10:59 pm »
Is XUL marked to load high? Otherwise the only follow-up is to see if it's been LXLITE compressed? (not sure if DLLs get processed by LXLITE, I think they do...?)

They are all marked for high code. LXLITE is whatever they were shipped as. I am going to stay with /cache:132000 on my main machine. That seems to work as well as anything else. Changing Lazy write to /LW:16,60,12 doesn't seem to increase performance much. but it does seem to smooth out some of the peaks and valleys. I think I will put that back to /LW:8,30,6 and see what happens. /MINBUFFER:4500 /MAXBUFFER:15000 seem to be good numbers, for me.

Right click on the preference and choose reset would probably work. Otherwise with the browser closed, edit prefs.js and delete the line, after backing up prefs.js.

Okay, that works. It is not exactly obvious what Reset is going to do.