Hi Everyone,
I've been happily using PMMail [ (32798) - Mar 13 2020 17:32:02 +0000 (GMT)] for a while now. No issues, although occasionally at start-up it'll trap, meaning the WPS goes locked but usually after a few ESC-CTRL hits it'll re-awake. Mostly a nuissance really.
As best as I can tell I have never encountered any problems, however the other day I was putting away some new emails into a much much older folder and couldn't find the emails afterwards. I re-index that particular folder at first, no change, I then re-index that whole folder tree, still no change.
This morning I hit CLI and went looking for the actual email MSG file itself...lo' and behold, nowhere to be found...worse yet, that whole folder TREE is completely missing!!! ugh?

Now the strange thing (to me anyways) is that from within PMMail I am still able to access each one of the folder tree contents...so it looks like the stuff is still there (thank God, so I haven't lost anything it would seem), but attempting to move new emails into that tree does appear to send the messages into "nowhere".
So am I seeing some kind of a corruption here?
No idea at all how to troubleshoot this...any hints/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
====I went looking through the PMMail program logs and I think I found the matching entries for this email move transaction...however it appears to have completed just fine?
2021-12-08T08:19:15.033 (008)-I-MessageMoveMessage: enter. use mutex [1]
2021-12-08T08:19:15.033 (008)-I-MessageMoveMessage: moving from [Dariusz]:[Inbox] to [Dariusz]:[Mopar Archives]:[Engine Components]
2021-12-08T08:19:15.037 (001)-I-oswin_msg_drag: dragged [1] of [1] allowed of [1] requested
2021-12-08T08:19:15.037 (001)-I-oswin_msg_drag: Dropped on Accounts/Folder
2021-12-08T08:19:15.039 (001)-I-oswin_msg_drag: leave
2021-12-08T08:19:15.065 (008)-I-xmlfolder.profile_save: fld change [1], saving [Dariusz]:[Inbox]
2021-12-08T08:19:15.072 (008)-I-xmlfolder.profile_save: fld change [1], saving [Dariusz]:[Mopar Archives]:[Engine Components]
2021-12-08T08:19:15.080 (008)-I-MessageMoveMessage: leave.