Why? Which programs? Which 64 bit program will work in the given 4GB address space? Moreover which 64 bit program is of any use in our restricted address space?...
I think Andi is right on the money here.
If saying '64-bit' is sexy...well, that's nice, but we all live with the old "you can look, but you can't touch" law of the OS/2 land, don't we??? LOL
So instead of dreaming of this pie-in-the-sky thing, I would rather spend any possible efforts on fixing the weak points we have today: geez, has anyone ran into the shared memory mess recently? C'mon, there's got to be a better way to handle this...can't we implement some kind of "OS2 shared memory garbage collector"
Look, those piece-improvements will net us a WHOLE lot more value then trying to get a 64-bit foundation in place....and for what? Like Andi's question goes: what are the apps we need 64-bit computing for???
Guys seriously...I moved to a giant 1G JFS cache a little over a month ago...I have been logging the results of various configuration changes as I try them out, all because my impression is that we have very little knowledge left on our platform today to make the most of what we currently have, let alone developing new stuff.
Let's get some decent airtime from QSINIT's upper memory provisioning capability...yeah, I can think of a few apps right now where that extra memory would come in handy: PMVIew manipulating a 1200 dpi TIFF scan...oh yeah, that's hardly something that's going to live with a 1G JFS cache under the same "roof"...!