VDOSTCP.SYS emulates a Windows TCP/IP stack interface, MicroWeb uses a DOS TCP/IP stack (mTCP) that relies on DOS packet drivers, which are different to the Windows packet drivers, they are a bit more like early Unix an Linux packet drivers. It might be possible to configure the program to use the native stack .
It is possible to run DOS packet drivers in a DOS session if you disable the DOS/2 networking, but not recommended, FTP Software (the company) also sold a TCP/IP stack for OS/2 that had a VDD that allowed DOS sessions to use DOS packets via emulation, but alas that is impossible to get hold of these days. The Essex Systems stack also had some VDD trickery, but I cannot remember it it supported the FTPS packets specification.
You can also try the Archane browser, it used to work with Windows sockets/packets in an OS/2 DOS window, it saw some updates in the last two years.