OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Web applications

The MicroWeb DOS web browser

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Martin Iturbide:

Today I read about this text web browser for DOS.
- https://github.com/jhhoward/MicroWeb/releases/download/v0.51/MICROWEB.EXE

It works on DOS full screen on my ArcaOS 5.0.7 VM, but I have no network under DOS.

Can someone please give me some tip or pointer on how to set the network on VDM DOS?



Dave Yeo:
Hi Martin, not sure if you can enable networking in a DOS session. The place to start is x:\TCPIP\dos\bin but might only be for WinOS2.
You could always try installing whatever network stack goes with the MicroWeb browser and hope it doesn't use long file names.

Ibrahim Hakeem:
Hi Dave, I'm sure I must be missing something here... but I thought networking works in DOS sessions out of the box, since you're able to ping from one.

Dave Yeo:

--- Quote from: Ibrahim Hakeem on January 05, 2022, 12:02:15 am ---Hi Dave, I'm sure I must be missing something here... but I thought networking works in DOS sessions out of the box, since you're able to ping from one.

--- End quote ---

So you can, never tried before. Still trying the microweb browser, it complains about no network interface available so something is missing.

Roderick Klein:

--- Quote from: Martin Iturbide on January 04, 2022, 10:16:07 pm ---Hi.

Today I read about this text web browser for DOS.
- https://github.com/jhhoward/MicroWeb/releases/download/v0.51/MICROWEB.EXE

It works on DOS full screen on my ArcaOS 5.0.7 VM, but I have no network under DOS.

Can someone please give me some tip or pointer on how to set the network on VDM DOS?


--- End quote ---

As Ibrahim already explained TCP/IP support is working in the DOS VDM.
I think the issue is that the web browser is expecting a different interface then can be found in the DOS VDM.


Network setup
MicroWeb uses Michael Brutman's mTCP networking library for the network stack. You will need a DOS packet driver relevant to your network interface. You can read more about configuring DOS networking here.

I do not know how you can get the Brutman mTCP interface to work. https://www.brutman.com/mTCP/
Very quickly reading I think its expects an Ethernet driver under DOS to talk to. But I only read this extremely quickly this link.



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