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Martin Iturbide:

I found decomp.exe 3.0 on a PCOM package, but it gives me some issues trying to decomp the files.

--- Quote ---[C:\pcomos2]decomp c:\desktop\1\types.h_# c:\desktop\1\types.h
Message file not found.
Message file not found.
Message file not found.
Message file not found.
Message file not found.
Message file not found.
Message file not found.
Message file not found.

--- End quote ---
At the end types.h turns out as an empty text file.


Dave Yeo:
I found the same, it is the wrong decomp.exe. Since it is a bat file that calls it, it must be a DOS program.

Martin Iturbide:
No luck yet with this ones.

Dave Yeo:
Yea, I hunted around a bit, seems to be a few decomp.exe programs out there but none the correct one. Even Googling the file signature came up empty. File just says data and it is pretty good at figuring out file types.
It seems the correct decomp.exe came with the original DOS tcpip package and the one we're looking at is a fixpak.

I' ve been hunting this SDK for a while and I'm happy to report that I've managed to install the long-forgotten TCPDOS 2.1.2 + Base CSP + Prog CSP. Oh yes indeed.

Installing the Prog CSP required some tinkering with the provided batch file - as elaborated this thing is, it failed to install the Prog CSP when I tried it. And kept failing for sufficiently iterations that I got annoyed and debugged the damn file.

The recipe:

1. On the installation media of IBM OS/2 LAN Server 4.0 Advanced from 1994, look for a TCPDOS folder. There's a BASE folder from where you can do a network install (faster than the tedious floppy image fun). Install the thing to a TCPDOS folder. Lo' and behol' - decomp.exe in under \bin.

2. Download the CSP files and install Base 1 and 2, then.... toy around with the prog csd. I _think_ the failing part was the few lines where it tries to create the folders. Somehow they were not created and decomp failed to extract.

I've attached the extracted files from the prog CSD and the precious decomp.exe for your pleasure.

I'm really looking forward to see if he (mTCP author) can make his sockets library talk to VDOSTCP through those libraries! I'll gladly assist!


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