Hi Paul,
Please use https://smedley.id.au/tmp/ndpsmb-3.7.3-samba411-20220108.zip if possible
Alright, I grabbed that plugin, deployed and tested with three test-cases:
regular JEPG image, see log.ndpsmb.JPEG
2) PDF - Large file
PDF file, this one is about 5.6M is size, see log.ndpsmb.PDF_large
3) PDF - Small file
PDF file, this one is about 175K in size, see log.ndpsmb.PDF_small
Each test-case was re-started from scratch, meaning: NDCTL re-start each time, which produced a clean log.ndpsmb file, so the log files you see above contain JUST the information pertinent to that single test-case.
Otherwise, I have my share configured to do:
1) Cache Timeout of 10 sec (default)
2) Cache Lsting of 80 (as opposed to the default of 32 I think - this appears to have made my NAS connectivity mroe stable, at least as far as WPS file operations go)
I have tried multiple configurations here of the above values in hopes of figuring out if one of these settings causes a too-frequent cache refresh, which in turn kills the performance, but I haven't found anything here. Either way, the other file types do not appear to be impacted, just the PDFs.
See attached ZIP file, let me know if you want me to send it anywhere else?
Thank You!