OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Networking
Refuse to give up trying to get Intel Centrinio 6205 to work with GENMAC
I have tried almost everything to get the Intel Centrino 6205 Wireless to work. The files in GENMU load find, but the radio appears to not be enabled which of course means it doesn't work. I have tried the .sys and .reg file extracted from booting the Hiren's Mini XP CD. I know that some people have said that having too large a .sys file causes heartache for GENMAC, but the file was not terribly large. I also tried one from Windows Vista which is also not too large but it hangs at the netbind.exe with a message "Exception = C0000005 occurred at EIP = 2268a". No idea what this means. I have also been able with various combos of .sys and .reg or .inf to boot to the eCS deskop where it hangs momentarily with the mouse icon busy before rebooting the system. One question I have is that looking at the hardware manager, it appears that the IRQs for the hard drive are 10 and 11. And, the IRQ for the Intel Centrino 6205 is also 10. Is this a problem? Any other thoughts regarding this problem appreciated.
Doug Bissett:
--- Quote ---The files in GENMU load find, but the radio appears to not be enabled which of course means it doesn't work.
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From what I have been able to determine, some (many) machines use an additional driver to control ACPI for radio power control (which seems to be completely separate from the WiFi indicator). We have no such thing. It should be possible, if somebody can figure out how to do it. This has nothing to do with GENMAC, it is XWLAN that does power control, when it knows how.
--- Quote ---I know that some people have said that having too large a .sys file causes heartache for GENMAC
--- End quote ---
What you describe is typical of what happens when the GENMAC internals are overwritten by something in the driver. The size of the driver has nothing to do with that. It is something that the driver does dynamically (probably creating buffers).
--- Quote ---but it hangs at the netbind.exe with a message "Exception = C0000005 occurred at EIP = 2268a". No idea what this means.
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I think that is what happens when a program tries to use memory outside of what was allocated. GENMAC does not allocate sufficient memory for that driver.
--- Quote ---One question I have is that looking at the hardware manager, it appears that the IRQs for the hard drive are 10 and 11. And, the IRQ for the Intel Centrino 6205 is also 10. Is this a problem? Any other thoughts regarding this problem appreciated.
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No, that is not a problem. It does indicate that you are not using ACPI though.
You are fighting a battle, that has been lost many times before. GENMAC is just not capable of running that windows driver, in it's present form. We do not have the source, and it has been specifically stated, that it is not allowed to reverse engineer the program to try to fix the problems (it has been tried, with little success).
Today, we have two options: 1) Wait for Arca Noae to finish their WiFi driver. 2) Use a travel router, connected to the wired NIC. I do know, that Arca Noae is still working on the WiFi driver, but other things are more important so it doesn't get the attention that it needs. Travel routers are not that expensive, and they can be used for other things.
Ibrahim Hakeem:
Just wanted to toss in my 2 cents here. If you end up going the route of using a travel router, look at the Netgear Nighthawk MR1100. It's a really nifty battery powered setup which I used with my T450S all the time.
When I could get to the desktop without a crash or reboot, as soon as I attempted to open the XWLAN monitor the system crashed. I remember getting a TRAP 000E screen, so that verifies perhaps the problem that was stated regarding XWLAN's power control.
Andi B.:
--- Quote from: jkrim on February 06, 2022, 04:44:03 pm ---When I could get to the desktop without a crash or reboot, as soon as I attempted to open the XWLAN monitor the system crashed. I remember getting a TRAP 000E screen, so that verifies perhaps the problem that was stated regarding XWLAN's power control.
--- End quote ---
Don't think so.
IIRC trap000E is double fault. Something which happen with genmac sometimes. Guess you've followed all the genmac instructions, did you? I think it is important to have helperw.sys (???) near the top of config.sys.
If you can boot to desktop I would suggest you try the programs in the genmac folder. IIRC there's a ssid.exe and some others. Probably one of them triggers the trap in genmac too.
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