Hi Dave!
Well, ideally would be to keep the Win32 codebase and binaries so people can do comparisons. Of course if you have no motivation to do that, you could remove them, while leaving them in history in case someone wants to resurrect them, and do a major version jump to ver 2 or fork by renaming your binary.
Yeah, "ideally" is a great point to note. This was my initial thinking as well but given what I see as diminishing returns on preserving the Win32 stuff I will simply fork the non-Win32 login into a 2.00.00 release, which will be purse OS/2 only stuff.
...You're the one taking on the maintainer-ship.
Hopefully you're using something like Git to maintain history.
Well, my track record is spotty at best when it comes to 'wanting' and actually 'doing' - think FFMPEG from some years ago when you and I had a few conversation on this topic. My interest was in chasing down an audio artifact I was seeing in the current FFMPEG builds. Regardless, that issue was addressed by an updated build and so I never moved further along with my idea.
...BTW, which compiler are you using? I tried VACPP 3.08 with no joy, didn't even like the CPLUS type comments. It did build fine with OpenWatcom with this patch.
I've got VACPP 3.65 with FP2 installed here, so that is what's being used. I have transitioned to NMAKE32 as opposed to the old NMAKE, but that's only because VACPP moved that way so I figured I'd just settle on the latest release and run with it.
From a "problems encountered so far" side of things I can only think of two issues:
1) undefined variables in dhry_1.c: Int_1_Loc, Int_2_Loc, Int_3_Loc, etc.
Maybe I'm just misunderstanding how DISKIO is supposed to be built, but running the makefile causes everything to be compiled, and yet I kept on getting missing declarations for the variables in the DEBUG section of dhry_1.c, see the stuff in:
printf ("Execution ends\n");
printf ("\n");
#if 1
printf ("Final values of the variables used in the benchmark:\n");
printf ("\n");
printf ("Int_Glob: %d\n", Int_Glob);
Since some of these variables were defined in dhry_1.c and others were not, I simply added them to dhry_1.c. That caused my errors to go away, but the variables are not populated with any values during runtime, so something else is missing there.
2) INCLUDE directories and VACPP vs OS2_Toolkit vs GCC setups
On my machine I have all three installed.
Previously I was able to successfully compile stuff with just the VACPP environment enabled. But these were rather simplistic (my attempts at coding). This does not work for the bigger projects. So I needed to merge the VACPP & OS2_Toolkit stuff and exclude the GCC stuff that's sitting in /usr/include. That took a while to sort out, but that's not an issue with DISKIO, rather my own configuration.
Big part of this is that I rely on VisualSlickEdit as my IDE and the concept of PROJECTS. Each one can be defined as having it's own environment, so you can certainly build a VACPP project, a GCC project, etc, but all of these need to have the appropriate (and correct LOL) setups. I am totally expecting this effort though, but when you start with something new (such as DISKIO) it's hard to figure out what compile error is coming from a bad makefile, a bad source code, or a bad environment setup!!!
Therefore, what does work for me now is using the following environment setup to build with:
SET CXXMAIN=G:\code\tools\Ibmcpp
SET TKMAIN=g:\code\tools\toolkit
rem ***********************************************************
rem IBM C and C++ Compilers for OS/2 environment variable settings
rem Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
rem (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1991, 1997 All Rights Reserved
rem ***********************************************************
SET LANG=en_us
/* Kick off the NMAKE app */
g:\code\tools\toolkit\bin\nmake32.exe /a /f %1
This is the result of the largely DEFAULT VACPP 3.65 install along with the grafted updates to the OS2_Toolkit that have been released by netlabs over the years.