OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Setup & Installation
Installing ArcaOS on QEmu
Jochen Schäfer:
I replaced OS2LVM on the ISO image, but the installation hangs after the boot menu.
Was somebody successful with installing ArcaOS on QEmu and has some tipps?
Try 2.4.x or 2.5.0... 2.5.91 is already broken...
Who knows what they "optimized" to achieve this result, but qemu has a lot more bugs than VBox (which is famous for them ;))
ArcaOS 5.1 runs fine on qemu 9.2 (tested on debian 12 x86_64):
qemu-system-x86_64 -drive file=arca51.img,format=raw -cdrom arca51.iso -m 4G
qemu 9.2 works as of 12/2024.
Good luck!
Dave Yeo:
Good that it is working. Be interesting for Sigurd to test it on his ARM system.
Martin Iturbide:
I personally haven't tried but I have these notes on the wiki:
- https://www.os2world.com/wiki/index.php?title=Install_and_Run_eComStation_2.1_and_ArcaOS_5.0_in_QEMU
- https://www.os2world.com/wiki/index.php?title=Installing_ArcaOS_on_QEMU_with_Windows_10_Host
- https://www.os2world.com/wiki/index.php?title=OS/2_Warp_4_Install_under_QEMU_Notes
Thanks for sharing "j"
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