Author Topic: HOBLink and ArcaOS  (Read 28671 times)

Dave Yeo

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Re: HOBLink and ArcaOS
« Reply #30 on: January 03, 2023, 04:59:51 am »
Done some more experimenting, seems the installer that Doug posted is the one from eCS. If you unzip it,
and replace XWPDLLID.DLL (45916 bytes) with the one from the trial version, (36412 bytes), it installs fine with no sign of a timeout.

Dave Yeo

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Re: HOBLink and ArcaOS
« Reply #31 on: January 03, 2023, 07:28:10 am »
This package should install fine if anyone wants to test.


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Re: HOBLink and ArcaOS
« Reply #32 on: January 08, 2023, 05:29:21 pm »
Successfully uninstalled previous AND successfully installed HOBLink ! I did not have a nagging screen and I have a minimized XSession running. It looks very promising!

Thank you Dave !

Sean Casey

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Re: HOBLink and ArcaOS
« Reply #33 on: January 09, 2023, 01:20:59 am »
If anyone is able to use a modern browser via an OS/2 Xserver please post your config.   I have tried both Chrome and Falkon and ran into issues with modern Xserver extensions not being supported in PMX and HOBLink servers (e.g., MIT screen saver and shared memory extensions).   

I have tried to disable the extensions in xorg.conf without success.   For example, for the MIT-SHM shared memory extension, I added the following to xorg.conf which should have disabled the extension but the browsers still choked when starting:

  Section "Extensions"
      Option "MIT-SHM" "disable"

I wanted to try Exceed for OS/2, but unfortunately my floppies have been sitting too long and disk-2 and disk-5 have read errors preventing an installation without corruption.  Tried recovering the two disks with ddrescue without success.   Exceed for OS/2 is also very old and wouldn't resolve the issues with newer extensions.

Dave Yeo

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Re: HOBLink and ArcaOS
« Reply #34 on: January 09, 2023, 02:42:16 am »
Not too surprised by needing MIT-SHM and Hoblink not supporting it, even XFree86/ needs a device driver to implement it. Am surprised about the screensaver requirement. Our Firefox has a fallback if there is no screensaver installed though I guess the screensaver extension has been around for so long (copyright 1994 here) it makes sense that it is expected.
Wonder if real XFree on OS/2 is capable of displaying a modern browser?
I could try if I could remember how to set things up, both here and on my sons Linux box. No xdm on OS/2 either.


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Re: HOBLink and ArcaOS
« Reply #35 on: March 31, 2023, 10:29:09 pm »
If anyone is able to use a modern browser via an OS/2 Xserver please post your config.   I have tried both Chrome and Falkon and ran into issues with modern Xserver extensions not being supported in PMX and HOBLink servers (e.g., MIT screen saver and shared memory extensions).,18.msg35643.html#msg35643

Note I had to use weirdx 1.0.31. 1.0.32 did NOT work for whatever reason.

Martin Iturbide

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Re: HOBLink and ArcaOS
« Reply #36 on: March 31, 2023, 11:06:40 pm »
If anyone is able to use a modern browser via an OS/2 Xserver please post your config.   I have tried both Chrome and Falkon and ran into issues with modern Xserver extensions not being supported in PMX and HOBLink servers (e.g., MIT screen saver and shared memory extensions).,18.msg35643.html#msg35643

Note I had to use weirdx 1.0.31. 1.0.32 did NOT work for whatever reason.

Hi Fusion.

I had never used weirdx before and I don't know how to use it.

I just tried to run weirdx 1.0.32 running:
 "java -jar weirdx-1.0.32.jar"
It just show a white window on the desktop.  Is that your same issue on your side?  (picture attached)

Martin Iturbide
OS2World NewsMaster
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Dave Yeo

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Re: HOBLink and ArcaOS
« Reply #37 on: April 01, 2023, 03:40:31 am »
While on the subject, I've been testing Xfree86 on the latest beta, basically AOS 5.1. Previously my old install crashed when returning to the WPS, so I started over.
Downloaded all X450*.zip files from, unzipped them to somewhere that is not @unixroot but is \usr, in my case Y:\usr\X11R6, also need \usr\adm. It may work installing to @unixroot\usr but I prefer to avoid it as Xfree86 is EMX and various kLIBC ports might find it and try to use it.
Added device=y:\usr\X11R6\lib\xf86sup.sys to config.sys and rebooted.
My xenv.cmd,
Code: [Select]
set X11ROOT=Y:
set X11PATH=Y:\usr\X11R6
set PATH=%X11PATH%\bin;%PATH%
set DISPLAY=local/127.0.0:0.0
set TERMCAP=%X11ROOT%/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/etc/xterm.termcap
set term=ansi
set logname=dave
set user=dave
set HOME=f:\home\dave
set XSERVER=%X11ROOT%/usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86.exe
SET MANPATH=%X11ROOT%/xfree86/man;e:/emx/man;%MANPATH%

After running it in a cmd prompt, run startx and here everything was correctly probed and I found myself at the X desktop.
It is slightly broken, the window manager twm should have been started and for some reason it isn't. Run start twm in a xterm. Later can install a better window manager.
Ctrl-esc to return to the OS/2 desktop, there are 3 xterms by default, typing exit in the login one will close Xfree86, due to the window manager not starting automatically, the other 2 xterms should also be manually exited, or close them after with the window list or xcentre.
This should give a working X desktop. Note that it will not work on an UEFI install, doesn't like the BIOS and can't probe the screens, so only for a BIOS install.

Log will be written to \usr\adm.
Edit: fix typo

« Last Edit: April 01, 2023, 03:46:29 am by Dave Yeo »


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Re: HOBLink and ArcaOS
« Reply #38 on: April 01, 2023, 10:53:00 am »
If anyone is able to use a modern browser via an OS/2 Xserver please post your config.   I have tried both Chrome and Falkon and ran into issues with modern Xserver extensions not being supported in PMX and HOBLink servers (e.g., MIT screen saver and shared memory extensions).,18.msg35643.html#msg35643

Note I had to use weirdx 1.0.31. 1.0.32 did NOT work for whatever reason.

Hi Fusion.

I had never used weirdx before and I don't know how to use it.

I just tried to run weirdx 1.0.32 running:
 "java -jar weirdx-1.0.32.jar"
It just show a white window on the desktop.  Is that your same issue on your side?  (picture attached)


1) Which java version are you using? What does java -version report? The one I'm testing this on is java 1.1.8, which is stored in C:\Java11. IIRC this is the one that comes with OS/2 (MCP2?) for some of the config dialogs for TCPIP and whatnot.
2) Download the zipfile version of weirdx-1.0.31. and extract.
3) Edit the file weirdx.cmd in the MISC folder and make sure you have "set JAVA_HOME=C:\Java11"
4) Edit the file props in the MISC\CONFIG folder and comment out the line "weirdx.windowmode=InBrowser" and uncomment the line with RootlessWM just below.
5) Return to MISC folder and run weirdx.cmd
6) "netstat -l" should report that port 6002 is open
7) On linux machine open an xterm and type "export DISPLAY=<os2 box ip>:2

Code: [Select]
you@linux:~# export DISPLAY=
8] Any X software run in that term will now display on the OS/2 machine.

Code: [Select]
you@linux:~# xterm &
"&" will put the software in the background so you can run more with the same window.

Here is a limited list of what works and doesn't here. I couldn't test audio and I don't think the X server does anything with audio at all anyways (i.e. audio would come out of the Linux machine sound card)

Chromium-ungoogled - Browsed and played YouTube. Only works when video is tiny but browsing seemed fine.
Discord - This is a chromium based web app packaged as a program, and works fine.
wine - Tested IrfanView with wine64 ouputting to WeirdX and scrolled some images, a couple other tests didn't work though.
DOSBox - didn't test any programs, but built in prompt worked and displayed the welcome screen fine.
xeyes - lol
mpv and mplayer both played video! Definitely not hardware accelerated. About 720p size didn't seem choppy.

Doesn't work:
Firefox - seems to need hardware accel
Thunderbird - is firefox in disguise
kitty, Konsole, probably most "fancier" terms than xterm

I don't really have much else I can test unfortunately.

Martin Iturbide

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Re: HOBLink and ArcaOS
« Reply #39 on: April 01, 2023, 05:56:59 pm »
1) Which java version are you using? What does java -version report? The one I'm testing this on is java 1.1.8, which is stored in C:\Java11. IIRC this is the one that comes with OS/2 (MCP2?) for some of the config dialogs for TCPIP and whatnot.
2) Download the zipfile version of weirdx-1.0.31. and extract.
3) Edit the file weirdx.cmd in the MISC folder and make sure you have "set JAVA_HOME=C:\Java11"
4) Edit the file props in the MISC\CONFIG folder and comment out the line "weirdx.windowmode=InBrowser" and uncomment the line with RootlessWM just below.
5) Return to MISC folder and run weirdx.cmd
6) "netstat -l" should report that port 6002 is open
7) On linux machine open an xterm and type "export DISPLAY=<os2 box ip>:2

Code: [Select]
you@linux:~# export DISPLAY=
8] Any X software run in that term will now display on the OS/2 machine.

Code: [Select]
you@linux:~# xterm &
"&" will put the software in the background so you can run more with the same window.

Here is a limited list of what works and doesn't here. I couldn't test audio and I don't think the X server does anything with audio at all anyways (i.e. audio would come out of the Linux machine sound card)

Chromium-ungoogled - Browsed and played YouTube. Only works when video is tiny but browsing seemed fine.
Discord - This is a chromium based web app packaged as a program, and works fine.
wine - Tested IrfanView with wine64 ouputting to WeirdX and scrolled some images, a couple other tests didn't work though.
DOSBox - didn't test any programs, but built in prompt worked and displayed the welcome screen fine.
xeyes - lol
mpv and mplayer both played video! Definitely not hardware accelerated. About 720p size didn't seem choppy.

Doesn't work:
Firefox - seems to need hardware accel
Thunderbird - is firefox in disguise
kitty, Konsole, probably most "fancier" terms than xterm

I don't really have much else I can test unfortunately.

Hi Fusion

I downloaded

1) I'm using OpenJDK 1.6 that is included on ArcaOS 5.0.7
[C:\HOME\DESKTOP]java -version
openjdk version "1.6.0_27"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_27-b01-GA5)
OpenJDK Client VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)
I run it with a simple "java -cp weirdx.jar com.jcraft.weirdx.WeirdX"

I can go only to step #6, since I don't have a Linux machine at hand. I can confirm that "netstat -l" reports that port 6002 is open


                             AF_INET Address Family:

 SOCK   TYPE       LOCAL          STATE    MAX   OVER
                    PORT                  QUEUED QUEUED
=====  =====      ==========    ========  =====  =====
 1439 STREAM            6002  LISTEN         0     0
 2091 STREAM        ipp..631  LISTEN         1     0
                             AF_OS2 Address Family:

« Last Edit: April 01, 2023, 06:01:35 pm by Martin Iturbide »
Martin Iturbide
OS2World NewsMaster
... just share the dream.