OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Multimedia

[SOLVED] OS/2 Warp 4.52 VM, changing audio to Uniaud

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Neil Waldhauer:
If I remember this correctly, you need to install 0 instances of your current driver. So you need to know what your current driver is, and you have to have the installation files.

Or you could try the uninstall that I once wrote and that is part of a uniaud install.
It will take file cardinfo.dll as a base of what to uninstall.
So, even if it was written for uniaud, you can use it in conjunction with the SB drivers. You just need to run it from the directory where the SB installation files are located. That should contain a file cardinfo.dll.

David McKenna:
 Hi Martin,

  Look in the C:\MMOS2\INSTALL folder. There should be a folder with the SoundBlaster install files in it....



--- Quote from: David McKenna on September 19, 2022, 08:59:11 pm --- Hi Martin,

 You need to edit your MMPM2.INI file to use the new driver. Minstall is what normally does that. First you have to remove the Soundblaster driver using Minstall (tell it 0 cards to remove), then install UniAud using Minstall. Or do it by hand, but it is very tricky and can cause your system to not boot if not done right. Adding/removing sound cards on OS/2 is a true PITA.


--- End quote ---

thanks to your post I have remembered what to do to complete the installation of the Uniaud; running the exe installer of the driver wasn't enough then.

@Martin , with the successful installation now I hear the system sounds but just that. If I run a video either from web or media player I only hear a rippy noise and video play very slowly making Seamonkey (in case of web streaming) almost unusable.
OS2 Warp. 4.52 on Virtualbox 6.x Windows hosted,  audio setted on Windows Direct Sound, ACH97 selection

Dave Yeo:
Hi mauro, you need "SET KAI_AUTOMODE=DART" in your environment (config.sys is simplest) to force the Mozilla apps to use DART rather then UNIAUD for sound. UNIAUD is broken as you found.
Edit: Actually the set command should work for any program using libkai for audio.


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