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Qt6 Development

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Dave Yeo:
OK, solved it. Removed the C_INCLUDE_PATH, LIBRARY_PATH and CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH, leaving the PATH and BEGINLIBPATH statements and qmake ../dooble.pro works.
Guess I was getting too fancy with setting up the environment

Paul Smedley:
Not able to test it right now,  as it will trigger a regeneration of build.ninja and likely want to rebuild all of webengine,  but I noticed that ninja was updated earlier this year to v1.12.1

I updated the fork at https://github.com/psmedley/ninja-os2 and built a binary. https://smedley.id.au/tmp/ninja-1.12.1-os2-20240907.zip

Paul Smedley:
Made some progress with Qt 6.2.8 webengine over the weekend - seems that https://github.com/psmedley/qt6-webengine-os2/commit/83083b1d2f14d1297b8ac24ae0dfad85e90e2037 allows some pages with light javascript to work  - screenshots in the applications thread.

Also, because I'm a glutton for punishment... https://github.com/psmedley/qt6-base-os2/tree/6.8.x

Paul Smedley:

--- Quote from: Paul Smedley on October 13, 2024, 08:41:32 am ---Also, because I'm a glutton for punishment... https://github.com/psmedley/qt6-base-os2/tree/6.8.x

--- End quote ---

Uggh https://github.com/psmedley/qt6-base-os2/blob/6.8.x/src/corelib/kernel/qeventdispatcher_os2.cpp is going to need substantial rework to get it compiling/building


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