I followed the link:
https://www.os2world.com/wiki/index.php/RPM:_Switching_from_i686_to_Pentium4 and
came across two issues [probably both of which were PEBCAK]:
1) the REXX script wouldn't run. just kept on stating "There are no more files. C:\desktop\.cmd"
So I opted to use python:
import os
import subprocess
cmd = ['yum', 'list']
cmdproc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
s_out, s_err = cmdproc.communicate()
pkg_list = s_out.split("\n")
items = []
for item in pkg_list:
if "install" in item:
tmp = [x.strip() for x in item.split(" ") if x.strip()]
tstr = "yum install -y " + " ".join(items)
fp = open("out.txt", "w")
fp.write(tstr + "\n")
Which achieves the same purpose. It's been a long time since I've touched a REXX script
and even then, I didn't do much so opted to use something I know.
2) After killing the CUPSD, it still wouldn't let me move /usr to /usr-old. I took a look at
the top list and there are no programs from /usr/bin.
I'm probably going to regret this but I'm going to reboot the system and see how much
I've fubard it