With reference to Fat32 Cache, the information provided was incomplete, how strange no one is tested
This would be the right thing:
REM IFS=C:\OS2\FAT32.IFS /cache:2048 /h /q /ac:* /largefiles
IFS=C:\OS2\FAT32.IFS /cache:4000 /q /ac:* /largefiles
REM CALL=C:\OS2\CACHEF32.EXE /f /p:2 /m:50000 /b:250 /d:5000 /S
If the second cache is not canceled, the computer does not start, with a trap in Fat32, or similar failure.
Another question may be that program is the most appropriate to make copies.
Also where I say:
AFTER ramdisk 512mb and and modify the config.sys changing the swapper to that newly created partition
I should say:
AFTER ramdisk 512mb (The swappath gives the same where you put it)
Did you think to check what CACHEF32 does? Along with caching, it also does the unicode translation. Remove it and create a file with umlauts or such, put it back and you get crashes, same if you shared the stick, might even crash Windows, though they probably protect against it.
What you might want to do is turn off lazy writing, which some say really helps with USB sticks and the ramdisk. From \sys\book\fat32.inf, under CACHEF32,
/L:ON|OFF Sets lazy writing ON or OFF (default is ON).
And also from the same inf, under System-critical files and booting,
It is not possible to place the OS/2 swapfile (SWAPPER.DAT) on a FAT32 volume.
So it seems that you are using the default swap file in \os2
HPFS would work for the swap file on the ram disk, JFS maybe with some screwing around if the ram disk is preserved during a warm boot, one boot to format the disk JFS and a reboot to put the swap file there.
Edit: You should backup your FAT32 volumes, format and with CACHEF32 installed, restore. The same sort of problem happens with JFS if unicode.sys goes missing, ask Remy.
Edit2:, also the max size of the cache is 2048 KB, so your /cache:4000 likely just loads the default, 1024KB
Also remove the /Q when testing so you see any messages