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Qt6 Application Testing

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Martin Iturbide:

This is a thread to test Paul's Qt6 port and Qt6 based applications.

For the moment we have these test releases:

--- Quote ---- Qt6  libs / Webengine - https://smedley.id.au/tmp/qt6-6.2.10-qtwebengine-6.2.6-os2-20241012-gcc14.zip
- Hot fix - https://smedley.id.au/tmp/qt6-6.2.10-hotfix-20241230.zip
- ffmpeg - https://smedley.id.au/tmp/ffmpeg-n7.0.2-os2-20240912.zip
- https://smedley.id.au/tmp/ffmpeg-chromium-6.3.2-20230516.zip
- libvpx - https://smedley.id.au/tmp/libvpx-1.13.0-os2-20230303.zip
- dav1d - https://smedley.id.au/tmp/dav1d-1.2.0-os2-20230530.zip
- yum install netlabs-exp
- yum install libvpx
- Dooble (2024-11-23)   -  https://github.com/dryeo/dooble/releases/download/2024.11.23/dooble-2024.11.23-Qt6.zip
- Otter Browser - https://smedley.id.au/tmp/otter-browser-os2-20240914.zip

--- End quote ---

I have this optional procedure to test Dooble:

--- Quote ---Procedure
- VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT=2560 on Config.sys
- Deleted .doodle on Home
 set PATH=C:\qt6\bin;%PATH%
 set BEGINLIBPATH=c:\qt6\lib
 dooble --disable-gpu
Import Blocklist
- Go to Tools => Accepted / Blocked Domains. There you select Block Mode and use the button "Import..." to import the text file "blocklist.txt".

--- End quote ---
But some other procedures may apply, and different suggestions are welcome.


Also some other Qt6 apps to test:

--- Quote ---- https://smedley.id.au/tmp/tea-qt-62.2.2-os2-qt6-20231227.zip
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---https://smedley.id.au/tmp/qtcreator-8.0.1-os2-qt6-20231229.zip
--- End quote ---
- To  start it, I needed to do:
- set  beginlibpath=u:\qtcreator\lib\qtcreator;u:\qtcreator\lib\qtcreator\plugins
- qtcreator.exe

Let me know if there are any other Qt6 applications around that we can test.

Remember you can show your appreciation to Paul at:

--- Quote ---Paul's GitHub Sponsor page or Paul's Arca Noae Sponsoring Page.
--- End quote ---


NOTE: Links Updated on 2024-12-30

Dave Yeo:
Hi Martin,
You left out https://smedley.id.au/tmp/qt6-6.2.4-qos2-20230122.zip which is dropped into qt6\plugins\platforms and shouldn't be needed once Paul updates the whole Qt6 package eventually.
A script to set things up, this can be anywhere on the PATH and will open a VIO window where dooble can be run from. I call it as qt6env.cmd and QT6_DIR needs adjusting for individual environments.

--- Code: ---@REM rem the @echo off line to see the output.
@ECHO off
REM point QT6_DIR to where you have installed the QT6 tree
REM Copy Dooble.* into %QT6_DIR%\bin
set QT6_DIR=L:
set PATH=%QT6_DIR%\qt6\bin;%PATH%
REM point %DOOBLE_HOME% to where you want the QT6 version of Dooble to store
REM its profile.
set DOOBLE_HOME=%QT6_DIR%\home
REM these are the same as command line arguments and should not be needed eventually.
set QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS="--ignore-certificate-errors --ignore-ssl-errors --log-level=1 --disable-gpu"
echo Now run Dooble from this VIO session

--- End code ---

Dave Yeo:
Up to date blocklist can be generated from this URL,
Save and import. Especially important at this stage of development as some ads have crappy JavaScript and/or certificates that crashes the browser.

Martin Iturbide:

--- Quote from: Dave Yeo on January 25, 2023, 12:54:30 am ---Up to date blocklist can be generated from this URL,
Save and import. Especially important at this stage of development as some ads have crappy JavaScript and/or certificates that crashes the browser.

--- End quote ---

Note to self: The blocklist goes on "Tools => Accepted / Blocked Domains.".

Paul Smedley:
https://smedley.id.au/tmp/qt6-6.2.4-qt6gui-20230127.zip should help with issues associated with the gui's file open dialog. 


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