OK, makes sense that it needs a different leading byte, I tried a few but not 20 as depending on the font I tested, most of the glyphs were missing once the leading byte was not zero.
Testing here, I can paste the euro into Qt5 qe.exe fine, then copy and paste it to ae.exe.
Here, in the Qt6 Dooble, pasting from the charmap, gives a double euro, like €€€, hmm, now it is a triple euro. Copy and pasting from qe.exe gives € correctly and copy and pasting from qe.exe to ae.exe and then to here gives �
Seems Qt5 qe.exe handles the unicode, then ae.exe (Pascal?) accepts it but it gets converted to codepage 850 when copying from there.
Why I get double or triple euros when copying from charmap, I don't know but seems like a Qt6 bug.
@David, we have libraries to help with the conversion, namely ICU, which Mozilla also uses. I did have to restore codepage 850 to the list of codepages that Mozilla handled.
Edit: It is actually the behaviour of charmap that causes the doube/triple paste, visible when looking at the Copied characters box, each copied character is added to what is in the clipboard, makes sense for forming words.