Hi Andy,
I cant help you with the first question,
The second question could be answered via
http://groups.google.com/group/apache2there is also :-
MySQL/2 at
eCS-ISP at
http://lists.2rosenthals.comThe Apache group would be the best to search and/or ask questions on for Apache and
all that can run with it. A recap put here for history wouldn't go astray either.
With the recent Apache v2.x.x/MySQL/PHP builds, from memory there are some niggles re stability with but a lot also depends on what else is on the server, the load etc.
What I has is rock solid but it is quite old now, and that's not something I want to mention the versions in public, even though it's well protected.
It's been a while since I've heard anything about a LAMP/AMPOS2, and a quick look I don't see anything recent for OS/2 or eComStation.