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A Roadmap for the OS/2 and ArcaOS platforms

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Martin Iturbide:

I'm still waiting for ArcaOS 5.1 to get released (I hope they don't release it on April 1st), and I think that 5.1 is an important milestone for the platform. Finally UEFI will be available (spoiler) and after some months the Arca Noe will have to think more about the future of the OS and possible update their roadmap page.

So, should we just let Arca Noae made their roadmap or should we (The community) try to suggest something?

We already discussed two things:
- Hardware Compatibility Wishlist for 2023
- Software Wishlist for 2023

Of course that Arca Noae does not has the resources to make all our wild dreams a reality, but I want to pass a summary of these two discussion threads to Lewis to see if something is interesting for them to do or support. (As a suggestion, not a demand)

What else do you think?


Neil Waldhauer:
I would like to see modern WiFi on ArcaOS. The WiFi needs to come on automatically. if it can't connect to the last known access point, then it needs to find one from the previously used points. If it can't find one of those, then it can allow the user to do something.

I want to see memory managed better, so that more memory is available to the system. Modern computers seen to have less memory available to OS/2 than 15 year old computers. Virtual Box offers 3.5 GB, better than any hardware ArcaOS that I have. The RAM disk in ArcaOS is admirable. I'd like to see it extended so that programs had some access to it more directly than file i/o to the RAM drive.

I'd like to see support for the laptop button features such as brightness, speaker volume, camera enable and wifi enable.

Eugene Tucker:
I second Neils posting. Especially the memory issue.


--- Quote from: Neil Waldhauer on April 01, 2023, 04:32:23 pm ---I would like to see modern WiFi on ArcaOS. The WiFi needs to come on automatically. if it can't connect to the last known access point, then it needs to find one from the previously used points. If it can't find one of those, then it can allow the user to do something.

I want to see memory managed better, so that more memory is available to the system. Modern computers seen to have less memory available to OS/2 than 15 year old computers. Virtual Box offers 3.5 GB, better than any hardware ArcaOS that I have. The RAM disk in ArcaOS is admirable. I'd like to see it extended so that programs had some access to it more directly than file i/o to the RAM drive.

I'd like to see support for the laptop button features such as brightness, speaker volume, camera enable and wifi enable.

--- End quote ---

I too think that memory management has become too important to leave it as is. It was fairly good at its times but we are talking about literally an era before now.
Modern WiFi is another milestone that must be assessed ASAP, IMHO.

Ibrahim Hakeem:
Quite a few ideas come to mind, but I'll list the ones I believe Arca Noae would be more likely to roadmap, at least in the long-term.

> A new release of OpenJDK: 1.6's time came and went some time ago, with it's LTS period ending just over 4 years ago. Given how many times it's been mentioned in Warpstock events since 2021, I'm somewhat optimistic that we will see this raised as a priority sooner than later.

> Improved memory management: As Neil has mentioned, a big peril of running ArcaOS on modern hardware is the increasing shortage of RAM which the user has access to. Having PAE would be a godsend and a half, but any kind of improved memory management is much welcome.

> An updated version of SNAP with support for more video chipsets: Moving away from VESA(Panorama) would not only help with performance/stability issues related to video playback and 3D rendering - it would resurrect an expansive library of software which hasn't been usable in quite some years due to being only GRADD-compatible. The last item in this list is an example directly affected by this.

> QEMU (or similar): Yes, I'm bringing this up once again. AN has stated their intentions on multiple occasions to address retro x86 gamers as a target demographic - even stating it to be the focus of a subsequent 5.1 update. Since we have WINOS/2 and DOS, adding the ability to run Windows 9x and maybe even early Linux distros would do quite well.


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