Author Topic: XWP - Create New => popup sort?  (Read 5389 times)

Dariusz Piatkowski

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XWP - Create New => popup sort?
« on: April 15, 2023, 11:45:09 pm »
Hi Everyone!

Can anyone tell me how XWP sorts the objects in the 'Create new => folder' pop-up menu selection?

This functionality allows you to define what types of objects you'd like to have easy access to creating. Simply RMB click anywhere and select from that pop-up menu.

I recently sorted through my Lotus 1-2-3 and AOO entries and added the AOO spreadsheet option (see attached image for 'Spreadsheet - Excel'.

However, for the life of me (and I'm guessing this may be ridiculously simple) I cannot figure out how to arrange the folder objects so that my pop-up menu is better organized.

My goal is to list the two 'Spreadsheet' options at the bottom of that menu.



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Re: XWP - Create New => popup sort?
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2023, 01:08:05 am »
Can anyone tell me how XWP sorts the objects in the 'Create new => folder' pop-up menu selection?

Yes, Rich Walsh can.


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Re: XWP - Create New => popup sort?
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2023, 01:17:32 am »
That is something I would also like to know - how to set the order of the options in that menu.

Rich Walsh

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Re: XWP - Create New => popup sort?
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2023, 09:50:24 am »
First, confirm the folder settings are correct. On the View->Icon view page, ensure it is set to "Single column". On the Sort page, both "Folders first" and "Always maintain sort order" should be unchecked.

Next, as you probably know, you have to Shift-Drag and Shift-Drop to move a template icon - otherwise it you'll just create a new object from that template. When moving an item to the top or bottom of the list, I find it more reliable to put the icon in the second or next-to-last position first, then move the current first or last item to wherever it should be.

Finally, *close the folder* before checking a menu to see if things are in the right order. Doing so _should_ trigger XWP to update its list of objects - but sometimes it doesn't. You may have to play games with it by reopening the folder, moving some other icon, then closing it. By the time you're done repeating this process to put that icon back in its correct place, the update should have occured.

Note: on a *new* installation the order will _never_ be correct (and this can't be fixed) because XWP relies on the folder's .ICONPOS EA to get the correct order - and that EA isn't created until the folder is opened, rearranged, and then closed. Likewise, it depends on the WPS updating .ICONPOS when you rearrange things. To date, I haven't been able to find a way to help this process along.

Dariusz Piatkowski

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Re: XWP - Create New => popup sort?
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2023, 04:50:41 pm »

Belated "Thank You", but all of these were right on the money and allowed me to fix the order.

It may very well have been that since I was looking at the XWP 'Create New' folder using the XView I wasn't actually seeing the actual order of the items in the folder itself. Once I opened that folder explicitely in ICON view, then sure enough, the ordering was precisely how the pop-up menu was showing it.

Rearranging at that time allowed me to create the order I was looking for.