Your opinions are all respected and valuable. I personally think that even if you don't have an UEFI hardware, it will be good to install version 5.1, just from the point of view of supporting Arca Noae and the evolution of the platform. But mine is only a personal opinion and everybody is free to do what they feel comfortable with. There will be people that will jump into 5.1 on the first day, and some other will take more time, that's up to you. I want to try to jump to 5.1 on the first day if time permits it.
Of course, in the case of some ArcaOS 5.0.x on a important production business machine, it is logical that some further testing with 5.1 will be required before upgrading. But that is not my case.
But the important thing remains: We need ArcaOS 5.1 to get released first
