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I am wondering who is supporting kTaskMgr.
I have some idea/feature request and if the supporter is interested, I would like to share.

Martin Iturbide:
Hi OS4User.

The latest version from 2000-06-19 says it was created by Knut st. Osmundsen. I can not say for sure if he still supports it, since it had been like 22 years since the last update.
The good thing is that it is open source and can it be improved by any other developer.

The source code is included inside the package and I also have a copy on github: https://github.com/OS2World/UTIL-PROCESS-kTaskMgr

Maybe you can share your idea here, but I guess we need a developer.


last what I have is  kTaskMgr.exe │ 170 069│09.05.16│ 18:30
it reports 0.0.4 alpha

it looks like  some one  compile it

Martin Iturbide:

I found version 0.0.4 alpha on Netlabs. It is dated (or uploaded) 2002-01-24
- ftp://ftp.netlabs.org/pub/ktaskmanager/kTaskMgr.exe
But I can not found the 0.0.4 source code, on github I have 0.0.3.

Also compiled by knut, I haven't hear from him in years, maybe we need a hand from other developer.



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