Great ... many of the items on your list are validation that others are doing this, and solving problems with it. So, it should work, to varying degrees depending on someone's hardware and software choices, in their environment.
It really doesn't matter what you are doing with your vm's, only that it is working for you.
For me, I've got a standard PC (diy), i7 8 cores, 32gb ram, ssd's ... win host-os,
multiple ArcaOS & Warp vm's (productivity), win vm (productivity), win & linux vm's for testing purposes (these come and go, depending on need). I've got RETRO vm's (not os/2, as these are productivity).
My win host-os is stripped down, telemetry & updates off, and is there to launch either workstation pro or virtualbox. Staging holds the dataset for all the vm's. Synology holds master copies, backups.
If I can't do something in ArcaOS or Warp, I pop the other window(s) open, and do it there. It doesn't really matter what I do with it, only that it works.
And, if it works for many of us, then it's viable for all, constraints aside.