Author Topic: [LOOKING] OS/2 1.x, Word/Excel for OS/2 related stuff  (Read 14461 times)


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[LOOKING] OS/2 1.x, Word/Excel for OS/2 related stuff
« on: September 14, 2023, 02:15:46 pm »
Dear OS/2 World Community.

I've been studying the chronology and early history of OS/2 (1.x/2.0) for a while now.
It is extremely difficult to find any information, since many years have passed since the release of these products.

I'm looking for any material related to early versions of OS/2.
OEM releases and localized versions are especially interesting.

I'm looking for literally everything: photos, scans, screenshots.

Thanks to collaboration with Martin Iturbide, it was possible to expand information about existing OS/2 releases.
It was on his recommendation that I decided to turn to this forum.
Perhaps someone still has a rare package that fits the described criteria? It would be interesting to see photos of the box, floppy disks, and screenshots.

In addition to OS/2, I am interested in information about Word/Excel for OS/2.
I'm looking for photos of boxes and disks. I know this is very difficult to find.
May be if some of you saved this?

Has anyone come across CorelDRAW 2.0 for OS/2?
Tell me about this rare version.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,


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Re: [LOOKING] OS/2 1.x, Word/Excel for OS/2 related stuff
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2023, 10:30:19 pm »
Sorry I can't help with CorelDRAW 2.0 for OS/2 but I do have a working copy of CorelDRAW 2.5 for OS/2 for OS/2 v 2.0

Martin Iturbide

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Re: [LOOKING] OS/2 1.x, Word/Excel for OS/2 related stuff
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2023, 10:39:56 pm »

I had been in contact with Man42 for a little more than a year and he had helped me to improve a little bit the OS2World wiki with some old OS/2 releases that I never knew it existed.

I'm also looking forward for some old OS/2 software pictures like boxes, diskettes, etc.

Martin Iturbide
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Alex Taylor

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Re: [LOOKING] OS/2 1.x, Word/Excel for OS/2 related stuff
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2023, 02:13:59 pm »
If it helps, here's a photo of an old OS/2 Extended Edition v1.1 package and contents...


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Re: [LOOKING] OS/2 1.x, Word/Excel for OS/2 related stuff
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2023, 07:29:22 pm »
If it helps, here's a photo of an old OS/2 Extended Edition v1.1 package and contents...

Dear Alex,

Thank you very much for your photo. This is one of the lost versions!
I'll try to explain. The copy of OS/2 1.10EE available online is the UK/International version. Your copy is obviously American/US.

My library doesn't have good information about this either. Could you take a few more photos?
I'm interested in photos of the following components (with legible text):
–Back side of the box
– Photos of the disk label (P/N information is important to me)

Ideally, I would like to see disk images so that I can make a file-by-file comparison to see if there are any differences with the UK version.
But not all participants have the opportunity/desire to provide disk images, therefore, I will not insist on this request.
However, if you have a copy of the files, I can describe a file-by-file comparison algorithm that does not require effort and painstaking work.
I don't know if the UK/US versions will be different because the 1.00EE US/UK versions are 100% identical and the 1.20EE US/UK versions have significant differences.

In any case, thank you very much for the photo :)

Best regards.

Doug Clark

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Re: [LOOKING] OS/2 1.x, Word/Excel for OS/2 related stuff
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2023, 10:29:15 pm »
Sorry I can't help with CorelDRAW 2.0 for OS/2 but I do have a working copy of CorelDRAW 2.5 for OS/2 for OS/2 v 2.0

I purchased a copy of CorelDraw 2.0 for OS/2 when I first came out.  Actually it may be v 2.01.  I have the manual, font list, plastic template for measuring font sizes, reference card, two character reference cards and the typeface3 reference chart.   I may even have the original floppy disks in the basement (shudder).  It was a nice package.  I don't know if it runs on AOS, but it certainly ran on OS/2 2.0  Let me know what you want pics of.

Alex Taylor

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Re: [LOOKING] OS/2 1.x, Word/Excel for OS/2 related stuff
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2023, 02:21:29 am »
If it helps, here's a photo of an old OS/2 Extended Edition v1.1 package and contents...

My library doesn't have good information about this either. Could you take a few more photos?
I'm interested in photos of the following components (with legible text):
–Back side of the box
– Photos of the disk label (P/N information is important to me)

Ideally, I would like to see disk images so that I can make a file-by-file comparison to see if there are any differences with the UK version.
But not all participants have the opportunity/desire to provide disk images, therefore, I will not insist on this request.
However, if you have a copy of the files, I can describe a file-by-file comparison algorithm that does not require effort and painstaking work.

Unfortunately it's no longer in my possession.  I might still have a backup of the files somewhere; let me know about this comparison algorithm of yours and I'll see if I do anything.


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Re: [LOOKING] OS/2 1.x, Word/Excel for OS/2 related stuff
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2023, 02:29:21 am »

I purchased a copy of CorelDraw 2.0 for OS/2 when I first came out.  Actually it may be v 2.01.  I have the manual, font list, plastic template for measuring font sizes, reference card, two character reference cards and the typeface3 reference chart.   I may even have the original floppy disks in the basement (shudder).  It was a nice package.  I don't know if it runs on AOS, but it certainly ran on OS/2 2.0  Let me know what you want pics of.

As I found out, CorelDRAW 2.0 for OS/2 PM was released in the summer of 1991 (may be at september 1991).
The package received bad reviews due to bugs and was very expensive.
It was a ported Windows version without significant modifications.
From what I heard, it had a particularly large number of printing errors. Probably, it really was version 2.01 (Windows version 2.01 was popular at that time, it is not surprising that it was this version that was ported).

I'd like to see a photo of the entire package, as well as photos of the covers, manuals, and box (if there is one).
If you can find the floppy disks, photos of them would be valuable.
And if you manage to read and run the floppy disks, please take screenshots.


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Re: [LOOKING] OS/2 1.x, Word/Excel for OS/2 related stuff
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2023, 04:39:15 am »
let me know about this comparison algorithm of yours and I'll see if I do anything.

For comparison, you will need two free utilities: WinMerge and 7-zip.
The comparison algorithm is as follows:
1) Prepare two directories for comparison (for example COMP1 and COMP2).
2) Transfer disk images to each directory; it is advisable to give the corresponding disks identical file names.
 3) Using 7-zip, select all disk images. Set the command "Unpack in this directory".
4) If there are conflicts between files of the same name, set the “Rename all” command.
5) Open the WinMerge utility, set the COMP1 and COMP2 directories for comparison.
6) In the comparison results window, add the columns “Date on the left”, “Date on the right”, “Size on the left”, “Size on the right” (if these columns do not already exist).
7) Using the "Report" menu, output the comparison results to a file (preferably CSV or HTML).

If your disk images were taken correctly, then some (or all) of the disk images may be identical.
Note: Sometimes differences in files mean that the file is damaged (for example, the floppy disk was poorly read).
Ideally, after a general comparison, you need to carry out a second comparison, in which each disk is extracted into a separate directory (for this, obviously, the corresponding disks must have the same names). 7-zip also has a command for extracting each file into a separate directory.
7-zip can only work with RAW images.

Doug Clark

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Re: [LOOKING] OS/2 1.x, Word/Excel for OS/2 related stuff
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2023, 07:49:31 am »
What I have is Corel version 2.0.  Turns out it does run - mostly - on AOS.  I had saved a zip of a previous installation and tried to get that to run - no luck.  But when I installed off of the original floppies it did install, and run.  However it demands to be installed from drive a:  It is amazing to me that 30 year old floppies still work, but most of them do.

I have attached a zip file with pics of most of the docs.

The date on the files is 07/24/1991.  CorelDrw.exe is  an OS/2 v 1.3 program.  CorelTrc, Mosaic, and Wfnboss are windows programs. And, interestingly enough, the windows programs will not start from their program objects in the folder - they do start if you click on the executable in the directory.

The manual is for the DOS and Windows versions.  There is no mention of OS/2.  There are no install instructions for OS/2 - at least that I have left and/or could find.  The install program doesn't touch any of the 4 diskettes with clip art.  It also doesn't install a mysterious disk labeled WLO, which contains a number of DLLS and a command line program that copies them to C:\OS2\DLL

Since CorelDrw is a OS/2 v 1.3 program it expects a control panel - there is an option for it in the File menu.  And it doesn't go through the normal printer setup. Plus it thinks my postcript printer is a non-postscript printer - which is probably why the trumpet printed in black and white.

Anything else you need to know about CorelDraw 2.0?
« Last Edit: September 21, 2023, 07:53:12 am by Doug Clark »

Sigurd Fastenrath

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Re: [LOOKING] OS/2 1.x, Word/Excel for OS/2 related stuff
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2023, 08:35:02 am »
FWIW, I do have still "shrink wrapped" sealed Boxes

OS/2 1.3EE
OS/2 2.0
OS/2 2.11

All German versions.

You can see most of them here:

Attached todays Pictures of 1.3EE.

Dave Yeo

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Re: [LOOKING] OS/2 1.x, Word/Excel for OS/2 related stuff
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2023, 04:14:41 pm »
Hi Doug,
The WLO stuff is "Microsoft (R) Windows Libraries for OS/2 (WLO)", from the readme,
Code: [Select]
As a brief introduction to this technology, the WLO mapping-layer is
comprised of a set of dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) which map Windows
API calls to OS/2 API calls at run time.  This DLL layer operates
like having Windows sitting on top of OS/2 PM and enabling relinked
Windows applications to run side-by-side PM applications.  WLO is
required for Windows applications to run on OS/2, in this manner.
So perhaps those Program Objects that don't work need the WLO DLLs installed.
Here's the full readme, IIRC, WLO is on Hobbes
Full readme attached.

Doug Clark

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Re: [LOOKING] OS/2 1.x, Word/Excel for OS/2 related stuff
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2023, 06:21:01 pm »

Thanks for the WLO info.  I had forgotten about that.  My guess is the DLLS (GIDI.DLL, KERNEL.DLL, KEYBOARD.DLL, PMMETA.DLL, PMWLO.DLL, SOUND.DLL, SYSTEM.DLL, USER.DLL and WIN87EM.DLL on Corel's  WLO diskette) are needed for running the Corel "utilities" (Mosaic, Trace, Font conversion) in OS/2 v 1.x, but are not needed in OS/2 v 2.x and above.  CorelDrw.exe itself appears to be a full fledged 16 bit OS/2 v 1.x PM program and doesn't need the DLLs from the WLO disk.

After looking at it this morning, the reason why the utilities don't start from a WPS Program Object is the Program Object is assigning the wrong program type to the executable.  When you enter a name in the Program field of Program Object it reads the executable to determine what type the executable it is, and sets that type into one of the fields in a structure called ProgDetails.    It uses this value itself in order to disable or enable portions of the Sessions tab/page in the settings notebook.  ProgDetails is queried by the system when it starting a program - either by association or by double-clicking on the Program Object itself. 

After reading the you posted my GUESS on why this is happening is an executable that has been created by linking to the WLO library changes something in the executable that confuses the WPS Program Object.  It is reporting this in ProgDetails as a program type 3, which is a PM program.  If you change the program type in the ProgDetails to something that is windows, like type 15 for instance (standard seamless VDM) the program will run from a WPS Program Object.

FWIW the WPS Program Object, and OS/2 itself, also cannot distinguish between a true Win32 executable and a Win32s executable.  Which makes it a little difficult to execute an ODIN program directly from a WPS Program Object.

To complicate the matters more for the Corel utilities, it appears the utilities were converted to full PM programs in some later version but used the same executable name(s).  The database (DATABASE.TXT/DATABASE.DAT) that OS/2 uses for migration and for automatically populating values in a WPS Program Object based on the executable file name, shows MOSAIC.EXE as an OS/2 program.  Ivan, who has version 2.5 of CorelDraw, could confirm if the utilities in that version are full OS/2 apps or still WLOed Windows apps.

Dave Yeo

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Re: [LOOKING] OS/2 1.x, Word/Excel for OS/2 related stuff
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2023, 12:05:41 am »
The applets I have here that were installed with WLO and with the needed DLLs on the LIBPATH run fine without Windows and look native, though without the close button, so it is kind of like running a Win32 or Win32s program with Odin. Likely those program objects would work with the DLLs on the LIBPATH and particularly handy if WinOS2 seamless doesn't work like here with AOS 5.0.x
Without the DLLs, they complain about missing user but if I run them from WinOS2 filemanager, they run as a Windows program.
I'd suggest testing with the DLLs on the LIBPATH or better get and install them as I think they're newer.
BTW, Odin used to, and maybe still does, create a correct program object when running pe setup or pe install to install a Win32 program.


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Re: [LOOKING] OS/2 1.x, Word/Excel for OS/2 related stuff
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2023, 04:53:41 pm »
Anything else you need to know about CorelDraw 2.0?

Thank you very much for these photos and description.
WLO, as has already been explained to you, are libraries that allow you to run some Windows 3.0 applications in the OS/2 PM (1.3) environment.
When porting Word/Excel, the same technology was used.

FWIW, I do have still "shrink wrapped" sealed Boxes

OS/2 1.3EE

Thank you very much for these photos!
P/N 87F1002 corresponds to the German OS/2 1.30.X series. They did not change the box design (and therefore P/N) for the subversions (1.30.0, 1.30.1 and 1.30.2).
The true version number can be determined thanks to the white sticker. Note the string "Rel: 1300".
This corresponds to version 1.30.0. Your build is probably build 7.85 (1991-02-08) (CSD WRG5002). This was the first German-language release of OS/2 1.3 DE. I admit there may have been short-lived releases of WRG5000/WRG5001, but I've never seen earlier versions, only WRG5002.