OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Applications
General Software Testing
Martin Iturbide:
Can someone please help me to confirm if this zip file is corrupt?
- ftp://bbs.bajer.cz/pub/files/osysdoc.fe/OS2FAQ.ZIP
Dave Yeo:
Seems corrupt here.
--- Code: ---error [H:/OS2FAQ.zip]: start of central directory not found;
zipfile corrupt.
(please check that you have transferred or created the zipfile in the
appropriate BINARY mode and that you have compiled UnZip properly)
Archive: H:/OS2FAQ.zip
--- End code ---
Martin Iturbide:
I have this beatbug file (1988) here that I can not run. Not sure if it is a command line game.
PMDLL tells me it is an unsupported executable, but when I run it on the command line it tells me : "SYS1804: The system cannot find the file BRUN30P."
Any tips on how to run it? Thanks.
Dave Yeo:
Perhaps a quickbasic program and it needs its runtime? http://www.edm2.com/index.php/Microsoft_BASIC_PDS, perhaps https://winworldpc.com/product/microsoft-basic/pds-71 or earlier version?
Martin Iturbide:
I found, what is supposed to be a 1988 OS/2 command line education game. But it does not run here, it does not get recognized as an executable.
- "BEATBUG.ZIP 12K 9-17-88 Childrens education in protect mode"
Is there any hope to make it run?
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