Hi Dave,
Don't use the toolkit that came with 3.65, use the latest. There's various reasons for this including that when 3.65 was released there likely was only the 16 bit TCPIP headers.
If you don't have a copy of the os2tk45 toolkit, you can install it with yum.
I had considered and actioned this as well, party because of some of your prior posts on the subject of setting up the correct ENV for being able to use the Toolkit along with multiple kinds of compilation and DEV tools.
Having said that, I am differentiating here between the VACPP 3.6.5 install, which does have it's own H files, and the actual OS/2 Toolkit (README - IBM OS/2 DEVELOPER'S TOOLKIT VERSION 4.5.2.) 4.5.2, which is the version I have the current install of.
More specifically, the OS/2 Toolkit install is the os2tk45-4_5_2-6_oc00.zip contents having replaced the standard/original OS/2 Toolkit install (CSD LEVEL XR04004). So in effect I'm still pointing to my \code\tools\toolkit install directory as opposed to the \usr\... stuff that things eventually went to.
Subsequently, my current setup is intended to be an upgraded "out of the box" combination of VACPP and OS/2 Toolkit (with all the various upgrades), which AFAIK as supposed to be complementary in a sense that what VACPP does NOT provide for, the OS/2 Toolkit itself should.
VACPP being the C/C++ standard stuff and OS/2 Toolkit being the OS/2 specific stuff.
As such, so long as I am not attempting to rely on a whole bunch of GCC stuff I should simply be able to execute the "native" OS/2 DEV toolset: VACPP & OS/2 Toolkit.
Alright...thanks for the suggestions, back to my snooping in the meantime as somewhere in there is an answer...and maybe that's just a tail I'm chasing between my very own legs, but that does point to continuing weakness of our platform: how the heck do you make sense of all of these things? LOL