Author Topic: ArcaMapper and Network Protocols  (Read 32618 times)

Mark Szkolnicki

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Re: ArcaMapper and Network Protocols
« Reply #30 on: January 26, 2024, 07:21:49 pm »
Good Morning, Paul
(my time)

Hey Mark - glad we're making progress -  if you re-enable log level in smb.conf, and recreate ndpsmb.dbg and capture a log - the full log may tell us what the authentication problem is and guide how to fix it.

I was thinking the same thing - I actually hadn't disabled ndpsmb.dbg at all, so planning to run a number of new tests today. I'm also wondering after reading up on the link you provided, whether it may be useful to create a (Home) resource section in smb.conf specifically related to the ReadyNAS.

Will get back here soon and Best, Sir!

« Last Edit: January 26, 2024, 08:17:17 pm by Mark Szkolnicki »
Vincit Que Se Vincit - "He Who Conquers Self Succeeds"

Mark Szkolnicki

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Re: ArcaMapper and Network Protocols
« Reply #31 on: January 26, 2024, 08:14:17 pm »
Heh Paul!

Hey Mark - glad we're making progress -  if you re-enable log level in smb.conf, and recreate ndpsmb.dbg and capture a log - the full log may tell us what the authentication problem is and guide how to fix it.

So this is where we seem to have advanced to, Sir:

Entering the IP as the UserName and the password for user "Paladin" the error message this time in log.ndpsmb is:

2024/01/26 11:52:44.42: 4 2: MEMORY-ALPHA2024/01/26 11:52:44.43: 4 2:  session setup ok. Sending tconx <archive> <********>
2024/01/26 11:52:44.43: 4 2: tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED

So login has occurred successfully and the session is set up, but if I'm reading this correctly it can't see the organizational structure of the resource.

That would make sense, as a blank mount was created - i.e. the ArcaMapper drive shows nothing in it (window empty when opened).

Attached that log and the latest log.smbc (both in .txt format)

That was with smb.conf:

# Samba Configuration file for Clients
# Required place for this file %ETC%\samba\smb.conf
# Change the value of WORKGROUP according to your needs
   workgroup = PALNET
   loglevel = 8
   client lanman auth = yes
   client min protocol = NT1
   client NTLMv2 auth = no
   client plaintext auth = yes

Was also wondering, Paul, if you had ever used or seen used the "Interface" parameter, in smb.conf? As mentioned previously, I was wondering if setting up a [home] section for the ReadyNAS in smb.conf, with Interface and potentially other parameters would potentially be a solution for this?

As the Windows systems seem to connect fine to ArcaMapper, perhaps also moving client lanman auth and client plaintext auth, if needed, would also be appropriate specifically for the ReadyNAS resource under a [Home] section?

Just lateral thinking again,

« Last Edit: January 26, 2024, 08:29:24 pm by Mark Szkolnicki »
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Paul Smedley

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Re: ArcaMapper and Network Protocols
« Reply #32 on: January 26, 2024, 09:56:51 pm »
Given we're now seeing  a connection (which we weren't previously),  and that  Windows can connect without modification, I would remove the following from smb.conf:
Code: [Select]
   client lanman auth = yes
   client min protocol = NT1
   client NTLMv2 auth = no
   client plaintext auth = yes

and try with the defaults. Is that the full log.smbc? It seems shorter than I would expect...

Mark Szkolnicki

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Re: ArcaMapper and Network Protocols
« Reply #33 on: January 26, 2024, 10:14:50 pm »
Given we're now seeing  a connection (which we weren't previously),  and that  Windows can connect without modification, I would remove the following from smb.conf:
Code: [Select]
   client lanman auth = yes
   client min protocol = NT1
   client NTLMv2 auth = no
   client plaintext auth = yes

and try with the defaults. Is that the full log.smbc? It seems shorter than I would expect...

As to log.smbc I noted that too - I was expecting it to show an error at the bottom, but it was like it just ended abruptly - thought I'd let you see it as is first - will run it again and see what happens

Vincit Que Se Vincit - "He Who Conquers Self Succeeds"

Mark Szkolnicki

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Re: ArcaMapper and Network Protocols
« Reply #34 on: January 27, 2024, 03:03:36 am »
Hi Paul!

Given we're now seeing  a connection (which we weren't previously),  and that  Windows can connect without modification, I would remove the following from smb.conf:
Code: [Select]
   client lanman auth = yes
   client min protocol = NT1
   client NTLMv2 auth = no
   client plaintext auth = yes

and try with the defaults. Is that the full log.smbc? It seems shorter than I would expect...

Ran the logon three times with the paladin credentials, Paul - log.smbc ended each time at the statements you saw in the one I sent.

As to removing the smb.conf statements - taking all of them out and I couldn't see the resources in the Network Browser - I suspect I have to retain the client min protocol = NT1, but no time tonight to test.

Vincit Que Se Vincit - "He Who Conquers Self Succeeds"

Dariusz Piatkowski

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Re: ArcaMapper and Network Protocols
« Reply #35 on: January 27, 2024, 10:49:00 pm »

1) If you include 'client max protocol = NT1' in smb.conf, is there a difference?

Further on this topic, you could try setting 'ntlm auth = yes' to force just the use of NTLMv1 authentication protocol. I say this because I see the following in the log:

Code: [Select]
[2024/01/26 11:52:44.426000,  5] ../../auth/credentials/credentials_ntlm.c:182(cli_credentials_get_ntlm_response)
  NTLMSSP challenge set by NTLM2

which to me means: yup, it's trying to use NTLMv2 authentication.

In fact, 'ntlm auth' and 'lanman auth' go hand-in-hand, both need to be set to 'no' in order to force NTLMv1.

2) Do you have 'name resolve order =' line in your smb.conf?

This has previously caused me some issues as I wasn't able to resolve my lan hostnames and needed to use their static IP addresses. It's been a while though and today things work fine here with the following setting:

'name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast'

Above comments based on my reading of O'Reilly's "Using Samba" 3rd ed, 2007 (yup, a little old).

Mark Szkolnicki

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Re: ArcaMapper and Network Protocols
« Reply #36 on: January 28, 2024, 06:58:00 pm »
Heh Dariusz

Hope your having a fine start to the year - we were in a frozen hell here tow weeks ago (-47 C start only going up to -36 C)

Today we're supposedto hit 9 C (yes that is without the minus)


1) If you include 'client max protocol = NT1' in smb.conf, is there a difference?

Further on this topic, you could try setting 'ntlm auth = yes' to force just the use of NTLMv1 authentication protocol. I say this because I see the following in the log:

Code: [Select]
[2024/01/26 11:52:44.426000,  5] ../../auth/credentials/credentials_ntlm.c:182(cli_credentials_get_ntlm_response)
  NTLMSSP challenge set by NTLM2

which to me means: yup, it's trying to use NTLMv2 authentication.

In fact, 'ntlm auth' and 'lanman auth' go hand-in-hand, both need to be set to 'no' in order to force NTLMv1.

2) Do you have 'name resolve order =' line in your smb.conf?

This has previously caused me some issues as I wasn't able to resolve my lan hostnames and needed to use their static IP addresses. It's been a while though and today things work fine here with the following setting:

'name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast'

Above comments based on my reading of O'Reilly's "Using Samba" 3rd ed, 2007 (yup, a little old).

Above comments based on my reading of O'Reilly's "Using Samba" 3rd ed, 2007 (yup, a little old).

Going from back to front - that last remark hit home first, and I laughed, Sir .............. because I resemble it <grin>

As to the other suggestions, I will try them - from using multiple incarnations of various smb.conf statements (and mostly not knowing a thing about what I'm doing), I'm always coming back to seeing using the IP address as the key, and finding that for some reason, the ReadyNAS is not seeing the login correctly, based on the error statement attached to the login.

So I tried the "interfaces" statement and idmap, the "name mangling" statements and also different syntaxes when it came to using the the IP as the username (ie. using the subdirectory I wanted to attach as part of the IP username) - in all cases I kept getting the same error, which was showing I had made some progress from nothing been seen in the first place, but still chasing my tail.

So it won't hurt to try your suggestions - the worst thing that can happen is that I loop back to where I am - but it might also mean that something may change in the logs being generated - bast case would be that it mounts successfully.

But thanks for the suggestions - will get back here after I try them out.

Vincit Que Se Vincit - "He Who Conquers Self Succeeds"

Mark Szkolnicki

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Re: ArcaMapper and Network Protocols
« Reply #37 on: February 01, 2024, 12:42:28 am »
Heh Guys and Gals!

Haven't been idle in the last few days, related to all the great suggestions I received - just busy with more entertaining and crazy 10-14 C weather - ran many permutations of statements in SMB.conf, and always got the same failure to connect, protocols not recognized messages .......... until now.

I was finally able to mount the ReadyNAS Pro 6 using the following SMB.conf:

# Samba Configuration file for Clients
# Required place for this file %ETC%\samba\smb.conf
# Change the value of WORKGROUP according to your needs
    workgroup = PALNET
   loglevel = 8
    interfaces = eth0
    client min protocol = NT1
   client max protocol = SMB2
   ntlm auth = yes
    name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast
    client NTLMv2 auth = no

I suspect the one item that solved this was probably using the "interfaces = eth0" statement, as I didn't have to try to mount the resource using the IP address, based on Paul's suggestions.

Dariusz's suggestions were useful as well, but still not sure if they helped solve the problem -  I'm reporting this early - I need to subtract lines to see what is actually needed and what is not - but as with the Beatles song its always nice to "get by with a little help from my friends".

Still need some help though, Guys and Gals - mount connection is VERY slow (30 seconds), and accessing the subdirectories by clicking them in the resource is slow as well (about 30 seconds). Have attached the log.ndpsmb and log.smbc as .txt files, to see if you have any bright ideas.

Perhaps I need to have more parameters in the "Interfaces" statement related to speed, but a big step forward related to solving this issue, as the mount shows the directories now.

For people looking in, I also found the file TESTPARM.exe very useful - it can be run from an ARCAOS prompt, and is a Samba related file which allows you to test statements in SMB.conf, to see if they work.

But a nice present to receive at the end of January!


« Last Edit: February 01, 2024, 01:39:22 am by Mark Szkolnicki »
Vincit Que Se Vincit - "He Who Conquers Self Succeeds"

Mark Szkolnicki

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Re: ArcaMapper and Network Protocols
« Reply #38 on: February 01, 2024, 05:56:02 am »

Later in the evening, but confirmed most of the SMB.conf statements present are unnecessary.

Down to:

# Samba Configuration file for Clients
# Required place for this file %ETC%\samba\smb.conf
# Change the value of WORKGROUP according to your needs
   workgroup = PALNET
   loglevel = 8
   interfaces = eth0
   client min protocol = NT1

One thing I did notice - can't find the Windows 7 shared resources at the moment, even though I could mount them previously - may need to put the Interfaces statement under a [homes] specific resource in future - but that is an issue for tomorrow ................

Good Night and Best!

Vincit Que Se Vincit - "He Who Conquers Self Succeeds"

Dariusz Piatkowski

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Re: ArcaMapper and Network Protocols
« Reply #39 on: February 02, 2024, 01:34:39 am »

...Still need some help though, Guys and Gals - mount connection is VERY slow (30 seconds), and accessing the subdirectories by clicking them in the resource is slow as well (about 30 seconds). Have attached the log.ndpsmb and log.smbc as .txt files, to see if you have any bright ideas...

Not sure if this contributing, but the following occurs every 10 secs:

Code: [Select]
MEMORY-ALPHA2024/01/31 15:55:04.43: 4 3:  session setup ok. Sending tconx <archive> <********>

and I'm thinking there is parameter somewhere that controls how long a share cache can exist? So perhaps if you have this set to 10 secs. it's driving this.

For what it's worth, I've attached my smb.conf, used for client side purposes as I do not run the server on my OS/2 box.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2024, 01:39:15 am by Dariusz Piatkowski »

Mark Szkolnicki

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Re: ArcaMapper and Network Protocols
« Reply #40 on: February 02, 2024, 02:57:39 am »
Heh Dariusz!


...Still need some help though, Guys and Gals - mount connection is VERY slow (30 seconds), and accessing the subdirectories by clicking them in the resource is slow as well (about 30 seconds). Have attached the log.ndpsmb and log.smbc as .txt files, to see if you have any bright ideas...

Not sure if this contributing, but the following occurs every 10 secs:

Code: [Select]
MEMORY-ALPHA2024/01/31 15:55:04.43: 4 3:  session setup ok. Sending tconx <archive> <********>

and I'm thinking there is parameter somewhere that controls how long a share cache can exist? So perhaps if you have this set to 10 secs. it's driving this.

For what it's worth, I've attached my smb.conf, used for client side purposes as I do not run the server on my OS/2 box.

And FWIW (and its worth lots), Thanks!

At the moment I'm not quite sure if this is client or server related - the reason I asked about what the difference is between Samba Client and Server earlier - at the moment I'm not quite sure what I'm delving into, but at least its moving forward.

This has been an interesting troubleshooting lesson - and I've learned a lot about SMB - there is a "speed" setting in "Interfaces" as well, which I might try - but I'll have a look at your SMB.conf first.


Vincit Que Se Vincit - "He Who Conquers Self Succeeds"