Hey Rich!
having selected the MEDIUM size option I came to discover what I felt was a rather curious font/sizing choice for the default XWP menu, that being: '9. WarpSans Bold'. [...] it feels (again, VERY subjective lol) like the [non-Bold] 10 pt is the better fitting size.
My overriding goal In implementing 'Text Size' was "user acceptance". Put another way, avoiding anything that would give people a reason for not using a feature that would clearly benefit them.
First and foremost in the list of things to avoid was any consideration of aesthetics. I fully agree with you that 'WarpSans Bold' at any size is a lousy font for menus. But, after all these years of people not complaining about it, it wasn't for me to go changing the status quo. By having Text Size use the exact same fonts that have been in place since eCS 1.0, no one can claim "aesthetic degradation" as a reason for not using it.
Understood, and your point is well taken.
Any ideas where WarpCenter hides it's font selection??? That's the only remaining piece of getting to a suitable display configuration for my OS/2 box...tried the old "drag & drop" font, but that didn't stick.
OK, there is something else I'd like to toss into the conversation though: I'm getting weird looking file sizes in the Xview folders, take a look at the attached screenshot.
What's weird about this is that NOT all files show this behaviour.
For example, looking at '', in CL it shows up as:
12-15-23 11:44p 11,736 0 a---
...and clearly XWP does show that size, but it is followed by a string ".99,999,999,999,977"
Here is an even weirder use-case, take a look at ''
12-14-23 9:55p 4,362 0 a---
...and in XWP that shows up as "436,2.0,000,000,000,001". It's almost as if the decimal place markers get tossed into the wrong place???
Is this a user configuration mistake?
The only such user-adjustable config I can think of is the 'WPS => Status Bars => P2', but that really appears to be applicable only to status bars.