Here are a few notes I forgot to put in the announcement:
* updated versions of ANXWP (AN's customized XWP-Lite) should be available from AN shortly - they typically send out an announcement to customers when it's ready.
* if you are simply upgrading from the previous version and not changing from, say, ANXWP to XWP-Full, then you can uncheck the options to "register classes" and "create objects". This will keep it from messing with your folder menus and the like.
* if you use Styler's shutdown feature rather than XWP's, you must upgrade to the new version of Styler (v1.20) to have any 'Text Size' changes take effect. Alternately, you can disable Styler v1.10's shutdown, reboot using XWP, then reenable Styler.
* suggestion: locate 'x:\sys\apps\xwps\bin\xunlock.exe', open its Properties notebook, and turn to the 'Association' page. Now, associate it with '*.DLL', '*.EXE', and '*.FON' (no need for a program object). Hereafter, if you need to replace a binary that is currently in use, you can select 'xunlock' from its "Open as" menu, then do the replacement. Of course, you'll still have to terminate the app or reboot to have the system use the new binary (in the case of a WPS dll, just select 'Restart Desktop').