Rich, is there a way in the bigicons.txt file to use one icon file for all icons to use that are not assigned an icon.
For unassigned txt files, is there a setting for the system to look at? The same for URL text files. For unassigned folders. I noticed these keep the Original OS/2 icon.
Sorry for the delay in responding but I needed to do some testing.
First, though, a comment: when AN licensed Dynamic Icons (a.k.a. Sunny Icons), it was in a pretty sorry state (IMHO). With the initial release of AOS 5.0 just weeks away. I started trying to fix things. Fortunately (for me), the release was delayed so I was able to get it from "lousy" to "minimally acceptable" - the state you see it in today.
Since then, nothing meaningful has been done to it. Since then there have been incremental changes but nothing to fix some basic design errors. I no longer work for AN so I'm not in a position to give it the TLC it clearly needs. I can tell you how it _should_ work but sadly, there's nothing I can do to fix it.
Anyway... if a file can't be given an icon based on its type, its extension, its Object ID, or its associated app, it should get an icon based on its WPS class (e.g. WPDataFile). Sometimes it does, sometimes, it doesn't (sometimes both). The only one that works consistently is WPFolder because I worked on that.
As a test, I opened a folder containing one of my programming projects. Files whose extensions are listed in bigicons.txt had the right icon. The rest had the stock WPS datafile icon. When I opened one of these files' Properties, the object suddenly got the right icon.
Next, I opened a different folder in Xview first, then opened it in Icon View. Almost all of the miscellaneous files had the correct icon. This suggests these failures are due to timing issues: if it can't come up with the right icon quickly enough the first time the folder opens, it uses what's available (i.e. the stock icon). The next time, with all of the objects already in place, it has the time to find the right icon (mostly).
For my final test I had a "bright idea". At the very end of the list of files and extensions I put "*" and associated it with the MIDI icon. After a restart, most of the miscellaneous files had the MIDI icon - but so did every Program Object that didn't have a custom icon. Pretty lame...
I've gone into all this detail (sorry for the length) to confirm what you already know: some parts of Dynamic Icons just don't work correctly and won't no matter what you do. For the foreseeable future, only icons that target specific files, extensions, IDs, etc. will work reliably. You can establish default icons for various WPS classes but don't expect a lot and you won't be disappointed