I have a laptop (thinkpad 530) which had AOS 5.0x and Windows 7 installed with Air Boot for switching between the two. They are both installed on a MBR drive and using legacy bios. The problem was Win-OS/2 programs did not run in AOS on this machine.
So I "upgraded" to v AOS 5.1. My BIOS has a setting for: UEFI, Legacy, or Both. I first tried switching the BIOS to both, and installing AOS v 5.1 as an upgrade to my existing system. That did not fix the Win-OS/2 issue. So I switched the bios to UEFI only, and performed a new install of AOS 5.1 on top of my existing C: partition - which contained the old AOS 5.0x. The install program wants a EFI partition and complained about not enough primary partitions - I already had 3: one for the AOS v 5.0x, one I assume for Win 7, and a third for who knows what. So I deleted the smallest partition (300mb), created an EFI partition and the installation was able to continue. I did not change the drive from MBR.
And Win-OS/2 now works. Yeah.
I would like to now be able to boot into my already existing Win7 partition/system. I am assuming it is the 93MB primary partition that shows up in Simple LVM.
Anybody have any ideas?