OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Hardware
To take the bun for the last time: ArcaOS and Lenovo Thinkpad Z13 Gen 2
Sigurd Fastenrath:
@JTA: thank you very much for your long and detailed Information! In fact I started with Virtualisations around 2003 or 2004, with Connectix Virtual PC for OS/2 Version 5 (I do still have the box) and Microsoft Virtual PC 2003. My approach is - for a long long time now - to get OS/2 - ArcaOS nativ to run on "modern" hardware, despite all shortcommings, that might be included. I am more the type of: "Let us see wether it works or not". I virtualized with VirtualPC, Virtualbox, VMWare etc. etc. - but none of them match (for me ;) ) with the feeling of a native Installation. I will see where this Lenvovo thinkpad Z13 Gen 2 will lead me to, as far as today it is really promising.
@Martin: Yes, I will take more trial and error, so it may take some days till I can deliver some more information. There are lot of things do to: Testing LAN connection via USB/Ehternet Moschip Adapter, Sound etc. etc. I will let you know, as soon as possible.
My current work is to install Linux Mint Cinnamon 21.3 on this Latop next to all the others :)
AND: THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your ongoing work and support here!!
Sigurd Fastenrath:
Martin, here are some files:
One Z13GEN2 from unimix with Adapter switch in config.sys /A:1; /A:0 (AMD Rembrand) does not response at all. So far no sound, even if the card is detected. Have to dig wether or not everything is switched on. And I have to test the lastet UNIAUD Build. for today it is to late ;)
The other Z13WARP5 is what "Testlog generic" brings up.
Rich Walsh:
This machine has everything needed to enroll AN's key and run in Secure Boot mode. In the screenshot above (https://www.os2world.com/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=3537.0;attach=10934) which shows UEFI options, you'd select key management,
Martin Iturbide:
Thanks Sigurd.
Your machine is so new that the pci list need to be updated, a lot of the devices shows like "unknown".
I created this wiki page with your information: https://www.os2world.com/wiki/index.php/Lenovo_Thinkpad_Z13_Gen_2_-_21JV
Sigurd Fastenrath:
Hi Martin,
here is a new testlog generic, made with testlog 3.53 and the latest available pci.ids.
Hope that helps!
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